David Franz Hobelleitner

Research Focus

  • Visual arts in medieval and early modern times
  • Medieval murals in Rome and Central Italy
  • Iconography of saints; saintly popes
  • Political iconography
  • Art and Liturgy



David Franz Hobelleitner studied Art History, Philosophy and Opera in Graz/Austria. He graduated with theses regarding the “Madonna of the Rosary” by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (BA) as well as Joseph Adam Mölk and the baroque fresco decoration of the Cistercian monastery in Rein/Austria (MA). As a student assistant, David F. Hobelleitner was affiliated with the Department of Art History at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, supporting the Slovenian-Austrian research project “Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität. Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918/Patrons and National Identity: Art in Styria from the Middle Ages to 1918”. In 2015, he attended a summer school on Roman art of the Dugento at the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max Planck Institute for Art History) in Rome. His work focuses on the visual arts of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, with a special emphasis on Italian art. At the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, he was associated with the  DSP College ‘Interdisciplinary Research into Historical Cultures‘ at the  Interdisciplinary Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. In 2023, he completed his doctorate with the thesis “indubitanter efficitur sanctus.” Saintly Popes in Pictorial Programs of Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Rome. The work was awarded the  Romanesque Research Prize 2023 of the European Romanesque Center Merseburg; the publication by Schnell&Steiner in Regensburg/Germany is currently in preparation. David F. Hobelleitner was a research assistant at the Chair of Medieval and Modern Art History at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg from 2018 to 2024; he currently holds the same position at the University of Siegen/Germany and continues to teach in Salzburg.



Oussama am Strand von Zarzis, in: Weiß, Matthias; Michalsky, Tanja (Hg.): Blick Richtung Europa? Dreißig „außereuropäische“ Objekte geben Antwort (Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana 52), München 2024, S. 322–333.

Santo subito? Popes as ‚New Saints‘ in the Age of Eleventh-Century Reform, in: Il Capitale Culturale 21, 2020, S. 61–85.

Papstreihen als visualisierte Vergangenheit, in: Augustyn, Wolfgang; Worm, Andrea (Hg.): Vergangenheit visualisieren. Geschichtskonzepte im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, München 2020, S. 113–136.

»…auf dem abteylichen Chor ein Altar Coenae Domini.« Der Abendmahlsaltar in der Peterskirche des Benediktinerstifts Sankt Lambrecht und seine Auftraggeber, in: Hobelleitner, David Franz; Lein, Edgar (Hg.): Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität. Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918, Graz 2016, S. 85–98.

Zum Leben und Werk des Joseph Adam Mölk. Eine kurze Einführung, in: Stadlober, Margit; Steinklauber, Ulla; Klein, Eva (Hg.): Schloss Thinnfeld. Ein Gesamtkunstwerk des 18. Jahrhunderts (Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark 69), Graz 2015, S. 121–125.

Complete list of publications