Simone Pokrant

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simone Pokrant

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simone Pokrant
Group Leader Functional Materials (Room No: 1.OG.11)

Jakob-Haringer-Straße 2a, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 8044 6281
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 8044 6289

Related Links:

Link to the Functional Materials Group
CV (including career and academic qualifications)


Research Interests

Renewable energy conversion and storage are pressing topics in applied research today, as the use of non-fossil energy sources is essential to reduce CO2 emissions. Solar and wind energy harvesting combined with chemical energy storage in batteries or fuels such as hydrogen are essential processes, that need to be improved in terms of efficiency, long-term stability, and scalability. Although significant progress has been made, many proposed solutions and devices show good short-term efficiencies in the laboratory, but are too cost-intensive for large-scale applications, because they rely on rare or non-sustainable materials and/or they are not fabricated using scalable processes. My long-term goal is to contribute to the development of scalable solutions for energy conversion and storage while respecting sustainability criteria: On the one hand, through the responsible development of functional materials and devices based on scalable (solid-state chemical) fabrication techniques. On the other hand, by investigating structure-property relationships in energy conversion and storage materials with the aim of obtaining efficient, long-lived materials.

  Inauguration Lecture Prof. Dr. Simone Pokrant



  • Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics)
  • Physical Chemistry II (Kinetics) with T. Berger
  • Einführung in das chemische Praktikum
  • Materials Characterization II (Microscopy) with G. Bourret
  • Materials Characterization III (Thermophysical Properties and Thermal Analysis) with G. Bourret
  • Resource Management, Recovery and Recycling