Laufende Dissertationen (Arbeitstitel)
Liang Chenyue: Deformation mechanisms and evolution of the Xingcheng-Taili ductile shear zone, eastern North China Craton
Shakeri Farzaneh: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of Doroud-Azna area in Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt of Iran
Hsieh Shang Yu: 3D visualization and modeling of the underground, particularly of geological fault zones
Boran LIU: Ductile detachment faults: Yiwulüshan and Shuangshanzi ductile detachment faults in China compared with such in Alps
Georg TROST: Neotectonics, active faults and landforms (within DK GISciences)
Ferdinand HOSNER: Exotic provenances of Neogene sedimentary rocks at the northern margin of Eastern Alps
Betreuer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Neubauer
Ulrich WUTZKE: Continental drift theory: Alfred Wegener and his precursors (betreut von Prof. Josef-Michael Schramm)