Hours per week
10 hrs + Tutorial (1 h) / 15 ECTS credits
Linguistic means to understand and communicate personal and family information as well as other topics such as work, hobbies, clothing, body and health, experiences at work and in education and other personal areas of study and interest.
Course material (not included in the course fee)
Krenn, Wielfried & Puchta, Herbert: MOTIVE B1. Kursbuch, Lektion 19-30 (Hueber). ISBN 978-3-19-001882-6.
Krenn, Wielfried & Puchta, Herbert: MOTIVE B1. Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 19-30 (Hueber). ISBN 978-3-19-031882-7.
PONS Praxis-Grammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Das große Lehr- und Übungswerk. Mit extra Online-Übungen. ISBN 978-3-12-562897-7.
language level A2
Target level
Students have a good command of the language they need to deal with familiar situations in their everyday daily lives and student environment.
This means they can
• Understand the gist and single items of information from factual texts, discussions and short lectures in their own fields subject areas.
• Report on events
• Pass on factual information
• Describe goals
• Give reasons
• also, deal with less routine situations and express opinions on more abstract topics.
When it comes to familiar topics they can
• Express themselves verbally and in writing.
• Summarise factual information and comment on it.
In their subject areas, they can
• Make notes on lectures for their own use.
• Give a prepared, uncomplicated presentation.
They also have basic intercultural communication competencies, in areas such as flexibility in their own behaviour and respect for the linguistic, cultural and human diversity of the environment.
They can implement learning and working strategies, which will enable them to understand and structure information more effectively.
They have information on the organisation of courses in the Austrian environment (institutions, counselling, libraries, etc.) and an understanding of general and university culture and its influence on communication.
Do, 07.10.2021, 13:15-14:45, 2.205