
Eneida Jacobsen ©privat

The 3rd Laureate Erwin Kräutler Prize

The 3rd “Erwin Kräutler Prize for Contextual Theology and Interreligious Dialogue” will be presented in an award ceremony to Dr. Eneida Jacobsen on 6 October 2015.

Published on 09 October 2015

Prof. Ulrich Winkler is Vice President of ESITIS

31.10.2013: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winkler has been elected Vice President of ESITIS.

Published on 29 July 2015

Neuerscheinung Prof. Sander

Wo bist du? Gen 3,9, in: Kontakt. Zeitung des Seelsorgeamtes der Erzdiözese Salzburg, 05 (2013), S 3.

Published on 29 July 2015