Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. Wallinger, Hanna
Neuigkeiten / News (March 2018):
The scholarly edition of Sutton E. Griggs’s novel The Hindered Hand (originally first published in 1905) that John Cullen Gruesser and I edited for the West Virginia University Press was published in September 2017. The project was funded by a National Endowment for the Humanities grant.
For information and Griggs, see
My essay about Turkish-American writer Selma Ekrem was published in American Studies. A Quarterly, Heft 2/2016. See
My essay on Taiye Selasi’s novel Ghana Must Go (2013) was accepted for Cosmopolitanism, Race, and Ethnicity, ed. by Ewa Luczak and Anna Pochmara (De Gruyter Open)
I am currently writing an essay for a Cambridge University Press, African American Literature in Transitions Series. The preliminary title is “Charting the Literary and Cultural Transitions in 1906” and will appear in the volume African American Literature in Transition, 1900-1910, ed. by Shirley Moody-Turner.
I am also writing an essay on Pauline Hopkins and Alice French (aka Octave Thanet) and issues of intertextuality for a planned volume edited by JoAnn Pavletich.
I was the President of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) in 2017. Our conference: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? The Changing Nature of American Studies,” at Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg, Nov. 3-5, 2017, went very well. Please see our conference site:
Last winter semester I taught a seminar on Utopia and More (i.e. Thomas More). The novels we analysed were: Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland; Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale; Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia; Dave Eggers’ The Circle; Lois Lowry’s The Giver; and Veronica Roth’s Divergent. This semester I am teaching the “History of American Literature” lecture course and a seminar on women and slavery in American literature (with texts by Lawrence Hill, William Wells Brown, Harriet Jacobs, Toni Morrison, and Yaa Gyasi). I am advising master’s /diploma theses on Black Lives Matter; utopian and dystopian literature; nineteenth-century black poetry; on verbally abusive relationships in literature; and on Kathryn Stockett’s The Help.
Funktionen und Aufgabenbereiche / Positions and Key Responsibilities:
Ao.Univ.-Prof. für Amerikanistik
Mitglied der Curricularkommission Bachelorstudium Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Masterstudium English Studies and the Creative Industries
Vorsitzende der Cluster Mitte Arbeitsgruppe Studienfach Englisch
Kooptiertes Mitglied des Fachbereichsrats
Mitglied des School of Education – Rates
Funktionen und Aufgabenbereiche / Positions and Key Responsibilities Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg:
ISEP Koordinator
Academic Director of the Bowling Green State University Exchange Program
Koordinatorin Partnerschaft mit Ohio University
National und International:
Mitglied, Vorstandsmitglied, Schriftführerin, Vorsitzende (2003-04, 2017-17) von AAAS (Austrian Association for American Studies)
Mtiglied, Vorstandsmitglied, Schriftführerin (2001-09) von CAAR (Collegium for African and American Research)
Mitglied von MESEA
Gründungsmitglied der Pauline E. Hopkins Gesellschaft
Biographische Informationen / Biographical Information:
1981 M.A. in Englisch (Georgetown University)
1984 Dr.phil. in Englisch und Spanisch (Univ. Salzburg)
ab 1984 V.Ass
2002: Habilitation, Venia docendi in „Amerikanistik“ (Habilschrift: Pauline E. Hopkins: Negotiations in Life and Literature)
Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte / Main Research Areas:
American Literature
African American Literature
Gender and Race in American Literature
American Realism and the Gilded Age
Pauline E. Hopkins
Sutton E. Griggs
Young Adult Literature and Migration
Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom
Co-Project Director (with Project Director John C. Gruesser, Kean University, NJ, USA): An Edition of the Novels of African-American Author Sutton E. Griggs (1872-1933) gefördert von National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Project RQ-230360-15 (Oktober 2015-März 2017)
Laufende Forschungschwerpunkte / Current Research in Progress:
A scholarly edition of Sutton E. Griggs’s The Hindered Hand, with John C. Gruesser
Utopia Deferred: W.E.B. Du Bois’s “The Comet” (article)
Taiye Selasi: Ghana Must Go (article)
Aspects of English and American Literary History (VO)
Introduction to the Study of Literature (VO)
History of American Literature (VO)
African American Literature and Culture to 1900 (VO)
African American Literature: A Survey (VO)
American Realism and the Gilded Age (VO)
African American Master Narratives (SE)
Gender Issues in American Literature 1880-1920 (SE)
New England Writing (SE)
Beyond the Melting Pot: Multi-Ethnicity in the U.S. (SE)
Doubly Invisible? African American Women Writers in the Nineteenth Century (SE)
Hawthorne and Melville (SE)
American Adventurers: Mark Twain and Jack London (SE)
Slavery and the American Novel (SE)
African American Literature, 1865-1910 (SE)
American Literature in the1850s (SE)
American Realism: Race and Gender (SE)
American Utopias (SE)
Migrant Memories: From Europe to the U.S. (SE)
Migration Narratives: From Asia to the U.S. (SE)
Literature in the Classroom (PS)
Understanding Drama and Film (PS)
Field Trip to New York (EX)
American Sea Fiction