VP Projektmanagement

O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wolfgang Pree


Wintersemester 2009/10
montags: 11:30-13:00 Uhr, Jakob-Haringer-Str. 2, T03
Beginn: 5. Oktober 2009
Projektmanagement für Informatik ist eine prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung. Es besteht Anwesenheitspflicht. Es wird eine Anwesenheitsliste geführt. Maximal eine unentschuldigte Abwesenheit wird akzeptiert.
Klausur: 1. Februar 2010



  • Guide to Project Management: Achieving Lasting Benefit Through Effective Change by Paul Roberts, Economist Books (2007)
  • Free to Chose – A personal Statement: by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman, Harvest Books; Auflage: Harvest/HBJ. (1. November 1990)
  • Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy by Joseph A. Schumpeter, Routledge Chapman & Hall; Auflage: New ed of 6 Revised ed (31. März 1994)

Ergänzende Literatur und Unterlagen

  • The Essential Drucker, Harper Business (2001)


19. März
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 1: The components of effective project management
Sandra Huemer / Rudolf Schraml
26. März
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 2: Conceiving projects
Markus Kaufmann / Sabine Laubichler / Roland Mihajlovic
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 3: Project roles and responsibilities
York Keyser / Manuel Reiner Will
02. April
A special report on entrepreneurship: The United States of Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs in India and China Lands of opportunity
Alexander Jenisch / Susanne Stadler
A special report on entrepreneurship: Heroic entrepreneurs Managing entrepreneurship Time for entrepreneurship The formula for entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs doing good The entrepreneurial society
Peter Palfrader / Peter Strobl
23. April
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 4: Project organisation and resource managment
Michael Auracher / Peter Eder
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 5: Planning: risks and rewards
Daniela Staritzbichler-Huemer / Natalie Wittinghofer / Felix Wolfersberger
30. April
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 6: Planning: quality
Ayten Cincioglu / Utku Dogan Dag / Sümeyye Selcen Sahin
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 7: Planning: time and cost
Jürgen Gintenreiter / Martin Rieger
07. Mai
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 8: Initiating projects
Caroline Atzl / Xaver Kienzerle / Gerald Stollnberger
14. Mai
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 9: Project delivery
Axel Baumgartner / Daniel Hofer / Anton Josef Pölzleitner
Guide to Project Managent, Chapter 10: Support and assurance
Ying Cheng / Guan Pei Zhou
04. Juni
Freedom to Choose, Chapter 3: The Anatomy of Crisis
Christoph Lichtmannegger