WFM: Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems

Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Resmerita


Summer semester 2013
Start: March 7, 2013 
Thursdays 10:00-13:00, Jakob-Haringer-Str. 2, T05 


Cyber phsyical systems are integrations of computation and communication with physical processes. Embedded computers monitor and control physical processes in real-time. The main goal of this course is to study methods for building safety-critical cyber-physical systems from the viewpoint of the software engineer. Topics will include modeling, analysis, design and verification of cyber-physical systems.

Lecture slides

  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture1.pdf
    Lecture 1
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture2.pdf
    Lecture 2
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture3.pdf
    Lecture 3
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture4.pdf
    Lecture 4
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture5.pdf
    Lecture 5
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture6.pdf
    Lecture 6
  • ECPS_S2013_Lecture7.pdf
    Lecture 7


  • Textbook Introduction to Embedded Systems
  • Introduction to Embedded Systems course at UC Berkeley: