Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences – Geology

A Doctoral Degree in Geology here in Salzburg is part of the Doctor of Natural Sciences degree program and is devoted mostly to research. Research results are expected to be published in high-ranked international journals. Current projects focus on topics related to mountain building processes, environmental- and hydrogeology, Quaternary geology, numerical modelling of geological processes including modelling of natural hazards. Most of our PhD students are part of major international research projects.

Duration: 6 Semesters

Academic Grade: Doctor of Natural Sciences, i.e. Dr.rer.nat. (Doctor rerum naturalium)


Important links for students

Guide to doctoral study

Submission of the Dissertation (in German)

Declaration of the reviewers of the dissertation (in German for Studients with ID #: 091/791/786/796)

Declaration of the Panel for the dissertation defence (in German for Studients with ID #: 791/786/796)

Declaration of the Panel for the oral examination (in German for Studients with ID #: 091)