We did it!

Board of tax-privileged association

Vorstand Von links: Dr. Felix Kramer (Kassier H.A.U.S.), Mag.a Ingeborg Schrems (Schriftführerin H.A.U.S.), OR Mag. Stefan Bohuny (Rechnungsprüfer H.A.U.S.), Mag.a Dr.in Elba Frank (Obfrau H.A.U.S), RgR.in Josefine Puntus (Kassier Stellvertreterin H.A.U.S.), Lara Simonitsch (2. Kassier Stellvertreterin H.A.U.S.), Christoph Krainer BA, BEd (Schriftführerin Stellvertreter H.A.U.S.)

Donation Deductibility

On 11 January 2023 the H.A.U.S. association became an officially registered charity (Registration No. SO-19908) with the Austrian Tax Authority. From now on, you’ll be able to take a tax deduction on any donations you make.

The deduction will be taken automatically if you include your full name and birth date (as it appears on your Meldezettel) and fill in “SPENDE” as the purpose of your transaction when you transfer your donation.

If you do not provide your date of birth, you’ll need to wait to take a write-off when you fill out this year’s income tax forms.

For H.A.U.S. association members: the 25-euro annual fee for regular members remains non-deductible, but if you are a sponsoring member at 75 euros per year, you can take a deduction on the 50-euro difference between the membership tiers.

We thank you for your donation! Our account details:IBAN: AT14 3500 0000 9304 8668 BIC: RVSAAT2S

Notice of donation deductibility Bescheid_Spendenabsetzbarkeit_2_2023