

PLUS Talk about CIVIS on 16 December for PLUS staff

As you already know, the PLUS has joined the CIVIS European University Alliance after a unanimous decision by the Board of Rectors. As a newly admitted member of the Alliance, the PLUS will now actively participate in the preparation of the follow-up application for the coming funding period and it is important to us to present the goals and contents of CIVIS to the entire university. Therefore, I am particularly pleased to be able to invite all PLUS staff to our PLUS Talk on CIVIS on 16.12.2021.

Published on 07 December 2021

December 14th 2021: Research colloquium with Rabbi Dr. Daniel Ross Goodman

On December 14th 2021 from 05:00 – 06:00 pm a Research colloquium with Rabbi Dr. Daniel Ross Goodman will take place via zoom (for the access-link please use the qr-code provided under “further information”). The topic will be: “The place of interfaith dialogue in Orthodox Judaism”.

Published on 07 December 2021

new publication of Prof. Sander

On December 2nd 2021 the magazin “die Furche 48” published an article by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.habil Hans-Joachim Sander with the topic: “Nein sagen müssen, um überhaupt Ja sagen zu können. Sowohl Jan-Heiner Tück als auch Gregor Maria Hoff haben mit ihrer Intention hinsichtlich des “Synodalen Weges” der Kirche recht – und doch stecken sie jeweils in einer Falle. Weiterführung einer Debatte”

Published on 07 December 2021