
© Gert Furtmüller

The Moving Mountain

is a transdisciplinary research project between the PLUS, Uni Graz and the UNESCO on mass movements in mountain ranges, such as those that occur during rockfalls. Univ.-Prof. Andreas Schröder is representing the department of mathematics. Landslide deposits represent special ecosystems and can form reservoirs for drinking water. Positive effects of the climate change therefore become visible in a unique way.

Published on 15 December 2022
Nicole Vorderobermeier

“Award of Excellence” of the BMBWF will be received by an alumni of the mathematics department

Nicole Vorderobermeier will be honored with the “Award of Excellence” for the year 2022 of the federal ministry of education, science and research. Only the top 40 doctoral theses nationwide in Austria are awarded with this price. We send our congratulations to Ms. Vorderobermeier for this outstanding achievement!

Published on 11 November 2022
Portrait von Vasilis Markopoulos

A glimpse at the experience of a CIVIS Erasmus+ student

“My time as an Erasmus+ CIVIS exchange student at the Paris Lodron Universitat of Salzburg has been an enriching academic odyssey. The kindness and support of both my professors and my peers eased my transition and transformed my uncertainties into opportunities for growth. Despite initial doubts about studying and living abroad for the first time, embarking on this journey was a leap of faith…!”

Published on 17 July 2024