NEWS, Events & Social Media
Guest lecture, friday, 20 december 2024
Vincenzo Vespri
of the Università di Firenze is giving the talk: "A brief survey about nonlocal De Giorgi Classe".
Current hour on THURSDAY, 5 December 2024
Information about the semester abroad
Thursday 5 December, HS 414, at 3 p.m. coordinator is Volker Ziegler, two colleagues from the international relations office inform you
THURSDAY, 21 November 2024, Open Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium
Sandra Müller
from the TU Vienna will be presenting on the topic: ‘Understanding the incomprehensible – the limits of mathematics’.
Information event – November 7, 2024
My Future as a Mathematician
Studying mathematics and what happens next – on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 5 p.m. in lecture hall HS 414
CONFERENCE, 23. – 25. October 2024
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Workshop on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations at the PLUS Salzburg – featuring esteemed keynote speakers alongside adept PhD students.
THU, 17 October 2024, Open Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium
Martin Bracke
from the University of Koblenz will be presenting on the topic: ‘Mathematical modelling in complex, interdisciplinary projects for schools’.
Bridging course 18 – 24 September 2024
Warm up lecture for freshmen of math
Every year in September, we offer a bridging course for first-year students in the Bachelor´s and teacher-training program of mathematics.
girl-power-workshop 9/2024
GIRL-POWER-Workshop at IT Summerstudies
A workshop in mathematics, computer science and technology for girls aged 15 and over – solving real problems with math and AI.
FRI, 16 AUGUST 2024, Gastvortrag
Colin Kühner
from the University of Heidelberg will give the guest lecture ‘Outer symplectic Billiard on Lagrangian Submanifolds’.
Workshop Alpbach 2024
A workshop on arithmetic and geometry in cooperation with ETH Zürich, the University of Zürich and the University of Basel.
Miriam Schönauer
The Marie Andeßner Prize was awarded to Miriam Schönauer on 27 June 2024 for her outstanding Master’s thesis.
Thursday, 27 June 2024, Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium
Alexander Martin
from TU Nürnberg gives the talk: "Mixed Integer Optimization Problems on Networks with PDE Constraints“.
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Dongho Byeon
of the Seoul National University is giving the talk: "Real quadratic fields whose class numbers are odd, but not one".
Guest lecture, Monday, 27 May 2024
Fahimeh Arabyani-Neyshaburi
of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, is giving the talk: "Phase Retrieval and Norm Retrieval Algorithms for Signal Recovery"
Thursday, 16 May 2024, Open salzburg mathematics colloquium
Reinhard Oldenburg
from Augsburg gives a talk at the Open Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium: "Wie relevant erscheint Lernenden die Schulmathematik“
Guest lecture, Thursday, 16 May 2024
Marvin Weidner
of the Universitat de Barcelona is giving the talk: "Pointwise estimates for parabolic nonlocal equations"
Movienight, 15 May 2024, 16:30-19:00, seminar room 2
Women in Math
this movienight is a part of the May 12 Initiative, in honor of Maryam Mirzakhani and the overall achievements of women in mathematics
Guest lecture, Friday, 26 April 2024
Glen Wheeler
of the University of Wollongong, Australia, is giving the talk: "Using an ODE to prove the parametrised isoperimetric inequality"
Guest lecture, Monday, 22 April 2024
Lauri Särkiö
of the University of Aalto is giving the talk: "Regularity results for parabolic double-phase equations"
Lecture, Thursday, 21 March 2024
Vladimir Shikhman
from Chemnitz gives a talk at the Open Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium: "Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Familienplanung in Talmud“
Thursday, 14 March 2024, Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 8 February 2024
Armand Noubissie
of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems is giving the talk: "Some progress on Skolem’s problem and related topics"
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Samuele Riccò
of the TU Vienna gives the talk: "Multiphase Bilayered Materials: Asymptotic Rigidity and Homogenization in Single-Slip Finite Crystal Plasticity"
Thursday, 25 January 2024, Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium
Thomas Wihler
from Bern gives the talk: "The discontinuous Galerkin time stepping method – a resilient companion of parabolic evolution models“
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Raffaella Servadei
of the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo is giving a talk about: "Nonlocal Brezis-Nirenberg type problems"
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 16 January 2024
Giovanni Molica Bisci
of the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo is giving a talk about: "Critical Points for Multiple Integrals of Calculus of Variations"
Award of Excellence
Talk, Thursday, 30. November 2023
Tim Laux
from Regensburg gives a talk at the Open Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium: "Mean curvature flow is everywhere"
Dr Ingrid Vukusic received her doctorate on Tuesday, 7 November 2023 under the auspices of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.
Guest lecture, Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Dorian Martino
of the Université Paris Cité is giving a talk about: "The regularity of n-harmonic maps with antisymmetric potentials"
Guest lecture, Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Andrew Scoones
of the University of Oxford is giving a talk about: "Non-asymptotic Results in Quantitative Metric Theory of Diophantine Approximation"
Talk, Thursday, 16 November 2023
Timothy Browning
Timothy Browning vom ISTA trägt im Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium zum Thema: "Polynomials over ℤ and ℚ: counting and freeness" vor.
Conference, 6 & 7 November 2023, Salzburg
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Delve into diverse topics, from p-Laplace type equations to classical semi-linear equations and geometric partial differential equations.
Conference, 25-29 September 2023, Salzburg
Convex Geometry & Geometric Probability
The topics are Convex – and Discrete Geometry, Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, as well as Integral – and Stochastic Geometry and Geometric Probability
Thursday, 29 June
Birgit Schörkhuber
from Innsbruck is giving a talk within the Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium about: "Singularity formation for the three-dimensional Keller-Segel model"
Thursday, 25 May
Frank Vallentin
from the University of Cologna is giving a talk within the Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium series about: "Optimization in discrete geometry"
Apply until 21 June 2023
Open positions for study assistants
The Department of Mathematics once again has vacancies for committed students. Support our professors in research, administration and teaching, become part of the maths community and gain experience for your future career. Positions are available for the winter semester 2023/2024 or for the entire academic year 2023/2024. Extent 10-20 hours/week. Applications and further information from Prof. Schröder or the Mathematics Office.
Thursday, 11 May
Thomas Wannerer
from Jena is giving a talk within the Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium series about: "On a generalization of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality"
Thursday, 4 May
Angelika Wiegele
from Klagenfurt is giving a talk within the Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium series about: "Discrete optimization through semidefinite programming"
20 April 2023, Award Ceremony
On 20 April 2023 the Hans-Stegbuchner Prize Ceremony for outstanding student theses took place
Workshop, 11 & 12 April
MAJA works at PLUS
A Workshop of the Sparkling Science-Project MAJA – Mathematical Algorithms for everyone (“Jedermann”) Analyzed
Thursday, 13 April 2023
Our team competition for high-speed thinkers and puzzle solvers is finally launching.
Award of Excellence
for her docoral thesis being ranked within the top 40 of Austria goes to an alumna of the mathematics dptm: Nicole Vorderobermeier
Thursday, 23 March, TALK
Sebastian Heintze
of the TU Graz is giving a talk about: "Pillai’s conjecture for polynomials"
Thursday, 26 January
Caren Tischendorf
of the HU Berlin is giving a talk within the Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium series about: "Modeling and Simulation of Energy Transport Networks"
Numerical Analysis 2022
Workshop on recent developments in numerical analysis, topics from error control and adaptivity to non-standard finite elemens (Berlin, November 1-17)
Sculpture Little Corn Island
is a developing school in Nicaragua for a sustainable education in sculpturing. The mathematics dpt. is happily supporting this outstanding project.
Lange Nacht der Forschung
Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022!
Am Freitag 20.05.2022 war es wieder soweit: Die Lange Nacht der Forschung fand statt und natürlich war auch der Fachbereich Mathematik mit einem Informationsstand vertreten. Mit Rätseln wie: "Wer findet die längste Zahlenschlange" verweilten Interessierte zum Tüfteln. Laut Dr. Daniel Krenn von der AG Diskrete Mathematik, der bei der Organisation viel Einsatz gezeigt hat, waren "durchgehend zahlreiche Besucher am Mathematik-Stand und die Stimmung war großartig!" Auch die StV war mit vielen motivierten Helfern dabei. Bildquelle: © peampath2812/
Mehr über den Abend erfahren sie hier:
Paolo Di Stolfo (former PhD student at the Mathematics Department) received his doctorate on 7 April under the auspices of President Van der Bellen.