Getting started in matehematics studies made easy
Bridging Course for Mathematics-Students
Prepare yourself for university maths and brush up on your maths skills from school. Participation recommendation! Registration from 31 August 2024.
Welcome to the Mathematics Department
Mathematics is one of the oldest and most enduring sciences and is the key to our modern high technology day-to-day life. Mathematics is far more vibrant than formulas and dry theories would have us believe. Reasoning and the handling of structures, as well as experimentation and trials are at the heart of mathematical research and teaching. Mathematical tools can be applied to all scientific and technical as well as economic disciplines. Modern computer technologies require the use of mathematical methods and concepts, which form the foundations of complex calculation, analytic and simulation procedures. The understanding and precise formulation of results and correlations would not be possible without the mathematical language and approach. Mathematics is an innovative and exciting science, where there is much to explore and discover.
The Mathematics Department at Salzburg University conducts mathematical research at the highest international level. The research groups Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Geometry, Technical Mathematics, as well as Mathematics Education and Technology are exploring current topics in pure and applied mathematics and mathematics education. The traditional fields of algebra and number theory as well as geometry are still cutting edge and have important applications, for example in coding theory and cryptography and in computer graphics. The scientists in the research group Discrete Mathematics are focused on diophantine equations, analytic combinatorics, and numerical mathematics. The research group Geometry is focused on stochastic geometry and distance geometry. For the research groups Analysis und Technical Mathematics variational calculus and partial differential equations und their numerical solution are in the foreground. These types of equations are crucial to the modelling of scientific, technical, and economic processes. Among other things, investigations are focusing on existence and solutions of theses equations as well as efficient, computer-oriented simulation methods (finite element methods). A prime concern of the Mathematics Department is the research and development of the teaching of mathematics. The research group Mathematics Education and Technology is dealing with questions regarding the use of digital media in mathematics education, spatial geometry and competence-oriented mathematics instruction.
The mathematics study programm at Salzburg University covers a wide range of important and fundamental mathematic subjects and offers direct access to the research focal points of the department. This holds true for both the master and bachelor study programm as well as for the teacher training programm. A close and personal supervisory relationship between the students and teachers on equal footing is very important and is the key for a successful graduation. Studying mathematics is Salzburg is carried out with enthusiasm and commitment by both female and male students. The gender balance in our departmént (in contrast to many technical study programms) is virtually even.
The mathematics study programm offers above all the chance to train the thinking and analytical way of solving problems, without having to specialize. The career perspectives for graduates are therefore excellent. Diverse career opportunities are to be found in pratically all areas of industry and business, public service, or in education and research. They show that mathematics is indespensible in our daily world.
Whether it be for research or education, we appreciate your interest and look forward to you visiting our department.
Andreas Schröder
Verena Bögelein
Clemens Fuchs