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Research – TV

Research TV of the University of Salzburg supports our researchers in marketing their scientific work. In addition to print media, such as the yearly published Research Report, the Research Support Unit now offers this video format in order to illustrate the research activities of the University to a broader audience.  

Research TV is also intended to support awareness measures required in many research projects. The clips are produced by teams of students in cooperation with the Audio Visual Studio and UniTV at the Department of Communication Science. The clips can be downloaded from the website of the University and are also distributed through media-partners ServusTV and the web portal of the Salzburger Nachrichten. Selected contributions are available via YouTube and also via  iTunes.

If you are interested in a production of your research activities or looking for general support in marketing your research achievements, we will be happy to assist you. 

Please contact Karin Raab-Oertel, MA from the Research Support Unit (Tel.: 0662 8044 2450 or ). 

More clips coming soon… 

Research TV on YouTube (in German):

Our Partner (in German):