Welcome to the Devision of Sociology!
For over 50 years, the Devision of Sociology has developed a distinctive profile as a center which maintains strong connections with classical theoretical concepts and vigorous empirical research applied to various aspects of social life. Its faculty body is individually committed to different theoretical approaches and a broad range of methodologies. While we appreciate the diversity of teaching and researching agendas among the academic staff, we also want to offer a full range of learning experiences to our (prospective) students. Together with the small-scale, but culturally very rich town center of Salzburg and the attractive study conditions at Salzburg University, this aim will contribute to a unique environment in which to study Sociology.

Photo: © Andreas Kolarik. University Salzburg. PLUS

Research areas / MML PLUS – The Salzburg Migration & Mobility Research Lab / Mobilizing Intimate Relationship / Science-Impact-Arts-Society