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Online Lecture Series: Touristified Landscapes after the Pandemic / Protest and Resistance in Europe – Part 2

10 Dezember, 2024 | Online | Join us for two engaging talks: Touristification and housing crisis in Prague/Covid-19 and (de)politicization of tourism in Berlin

Published on 06 December 2024

Sichtbar Hörbar – Passiones Sociologicae

lepke and Melina tell us about their study trip to Salzburg – today in the podcast Sichtbar Hörbar!

Published on 06 December 2024

Sociology Tutoring Sessions WS24/25

We are offering tutoring sessions for two courses this semester!

Published on 05 December 2024

New Project Release –

VISION aims to co-generate critical and transformative knowledge of a more just, sustainable and convivial Europe. It will unfold ways in which Europe could realise its normative vision and become a space of conviviality.

Futher links: Kyoko Shinozaki and  Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) 


EUMIGS Double Degree webinar – 19.11.2021, 12-14 Uhr

–> Programme, structure and specifications for participants


Participants: Linköping University (SE), Malmö University (SE), Osnabrück University (DE), Universiidad de A Coruña (ES), Université de Neuchâtel (CH), Paris Lodron University Salzburg (AT), Liège University (BE)

Objective: information about the different programmes, recruitment

Migration and Mobilities Study Group (MMG)

The Migration and Mobilities Study Group (MMG) is a collective that brings together several thematic groups of scholars within migration and mobility studies at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS). PLUS-MMG has become an institutional member of the IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion)! It is Europe’s largest network of scholars in the area of migration and integration.Details:International Research Network IMISCOE

New Publications

Cover ProtestkommunikationKornelia Hahn & Andreas Langenohl (Hrsg.) (2021):Protestkommunikation: Konflikte um die Legitimität politischer Öffentlichkeit.    Informationen auf der Webseite des Verlags

Cover Das bisschen HaushaltRuth Abramowski (2020):Das bisschen Haushalt. Zur Kontinuität traditioneller Arbeitsteilung in Paarbeziehungen – ein europäischer Vergleich. Leverkusen-Opladen: Budrich Academic Press   Informationen auf der Webseite des Verlags

Cover 2020 Impuls - Idee - InnovationJohannes Klopf, Manfred Gabriel, Monika Frass (Hrsg.).(2020).Impuls – Idee – Innovation Salzburger Kulturwissenschaftliche Dialoge Band 6.Salzburg: Paracelsus Buchhandlung & Verlag

2020 Cover Postmigrantisch gelesen

Katrin Huxel / Juliane Karakayali / Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck / Marianne Schmidbaur / Kyoko Shinozaki / Tina Spies / Linda Supik / Elisabeth Tuider (Hg.) (2020):Postmigrantisch gelesen. Transnationalität, Gender, Care. Transcript-Verlag.

Cover_2020_Shinozaki_Transnational_Domestic_WorkIto Ruri / Kyoko Shinozaki (2020):Transnational Sociology of Domestic Work: In Quest of Decent Work

Sociology Research Colloquium

Starting in the summer term of 2018, the Department of Sociology will hold a colloquium to present current and completed research work. External speakers will also be invited to individual sessions.The individual sessions take place on Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m., at HS 384.