Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften, Fach Geologie

The PhD Study Geology is part of the PhD study Natural Sciences and is devoted mostly to research. The study is quite international and research results are published in high-ranked international journals. The current focus is on mountain building processes and will be expanded to much wider fields including, e.g., Environmental and Hydrogeology, Quaternary Geology, numerical modelling of Geological Processes including modelling of natural hazards.  Most of PhD students are included in major international research projects.

6 Semester
Akademischer Grad
Studienplan English version 

Leitfaden zum Doktoratsstudium, English version
Anmeldung der Dissertation
Bekanntgabe der Gutachter der Dissertation  (Studienkennzahl 091+791+786+796) Bekanntgabe der DiskutantInnen der Dissertationsverteidigung
(Studienkennzahl 791+786+796)
Bekanntgabe der Prüfer des Rigorosums (Studienkennzahl 091)