Current Publications of the Department

April – June 2024

  • Bauer R, Dang HH, Neureiter D, Unger MS, Neuper T, Jensen M, Taliento AE, Strandt H, Gratz I, Weiss R, Sales A, Horejs-Hoeck J. NLRP3 promotes allergic responses to birch pollen extract in a model of intranasal sensitization. Front Immunol 15: 1393819. 2024.
  • Fellner A, Bresgen N, Fefer M, Liu J, Plaetzer K. Fly into the light: eliminating Drosophila melanogaster with chlorophyllin-based Photodynamic Inactivation. Photochem Photobiol Sci 23(6): 1155-1166. 2024.
  • Fortelny N, Farlik M, Fife V, Gorki A D, Lassnig C, Maurer B, Meissl K, Dolezal M, Boccuni L, Ravi Sundar Jose Geetha A, Akagha M J, Karjalainen A, Shoebridge S, Farhat A, Mann U, Jain R, Tikoo S, Zila N, Esser-Skala W, Krausgruber T, Sitnik K, Penz T, Hladik A, Suske T, Zahalka S, Senekowitsch M, Barreca D, Halbritter F, Macho-Maschler S, Weninger W, Neubauer H A, Moriggl R, Knapp S, Sexl V, Strobl B, Decker T, Muller M, Bock C. JAK-STAT signaling maintains homeostasis in T cells and macrophages.” Nat Immunol 25(5): 847-859. 2024.
  • Marozin S, Simon-Nobbe B, Huth A, Beyerer E, Weber L, Nussler A, Lepperdinger G. Aggregation of human osteoblasts unlocks self-reliant differentiation and constitutes a microenvironment for 3D-co-cultivation with other bone marrow cells.” Sci Rep 14(1): 10345. 2024.

Archive: Publications of the Department


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