HRM group @ Cranet Meeting
On November 19th, the University of Economics Bratislava hosted the Cranet Autumn-Meeting. Next to research activities the most important topics on the agenda were the current survey round and the network’s governance structures. Austria, represented by the HRM group at PLUS and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Management and Organisational Behaviour, has already completed data collection and is currently working on the research report. Astrid Reichel was confirmed as a member of the Cranet Advisory Board.
(online since 15.12.2021)
HRM group @ Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ)
The article “ Beating the advertising drum for the employer: How legal context translates into good HRM practice” by Isabella Scheibmayr & Astrid Reichel has been published early-view in Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ). The article considers how HR practitioners have reacted to a change in legislation, the introduction of mandatory pay information in job advertisements. The authors found HR practitioners proactively engaging with the change in legislation, using institutional work to translate the legal rule into HRM practice.
The article can be found open access here:
(online since 09.11.2021)
HRM group @ Crowdworking Symposium 2021
On September 17th the 3rd Crowdworking Symposium took place in Bremen. Astrid Reichel is part of the scientific committee of this annual event and she was the discussant for Fabian Stephany (University of Oxford), who talked about the newest developments in the Online Labour Index in his presentation entitled „New ways to measure the world’s remote freelancing market“. The Online Labor Index (OLI) is one of the most important indexes capturing volume and distribution on plattform labour.
Many thanks for this highly interesting presentation as well as the brilliant organization of Lars Hornuf (University of Bremen) and his team!
(online since 09.11.2021)
HRM group @ AoM 2021
The 81st Meeting of the Academy of Management ( AoM) was taking place virtually from July 29th until August 4th and the HRM group was contributing with three presentations this year:
Astrid Reichel presented the paper „ HR managers riding the glass escalators, walking the stairs of equality, or both?” (joint work with Isabella Scheibmayr) in Session #1480 Diversity and Gender Inequity (sponsored by the HR Division).
On Monday August 2nd Isabella Scheibmayr presented “Bringing the algorithmic HR manager in: Behavioral responses to algorithmic HRM” (joint work with Astrid Reichel) in Session # 857 HR Analytics and Algorithms (also sponsored by the HR Division)
On Tuesday, Astrid Reichel and Isabella Scheibmayr presented brand-new results under the title „Finding their way through multiple logics: Female doctors’ leadership careers” in the Symposium „ Women’s Careers in the 21st century: New Perspectives and insights“ (Session #1071).
The Symposium was organized by Fida Afiouni, Eleni Apospori, Bert Schreurs and Julia Richardson and sponsored by the Career, GDO and HR Divisions. We thank the organizers of the symposium for the excellent curation and organization of the symposium!
The full program can be found here, the abstracts were published in this years Proceedings of the Academy of Management.
(online since 11.08.2021)
HRM group @ EGOS 2021
The HRM group participated in this years EGOS Colloquium organized by Marleen Huysman, Paul Leonardi, and Stella Pachidi (Standing Working Group Digital Technology, Media and Organization). Isabella Scheibmayr presented a joint work with Astrid Reichel on Starthern’s Paradox and the behavioural response of workers to algorithmic HRM. The virtual conference took place from July 8 to July 10 and was hosted by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
That’s the link to the conference.
(online since 04.08.2021)
HRM group @ 2021 Virtual Conference Gender, Work and Organization (GWO) 2021
The HRM group participated in the 2021 virtual GWO – Gender, Work and Organization Conference hosted by the University of Kent. After being postponed for a year, the biannual conference of the Journal by the same name took place from June 30th until July 2nd. Isabella Scheibmayr presented two papers:
- “The Disappearing Act of Transparency”, a joint paper with Astrid Reichel on the framing of Austria’s Equal Treatment Law in the legal and the HRM context, and,
- “Organizing vulnerability: Using Butler’s conception of vulnerability in organizational research”, a paper on Judith Butler’s concept of vulnerability as conceptualized in Frames of War.
(online since 04.08.2021)
HRM group @ HRMJ Highly Commended für den Best Paper Award 2020
The Best Paper award of the Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) is bestowed on the article that “best encapsulates the mission of HRMJ, makes an original or important contribution to HRM scholarship, reflects theoretical and/or methodological rigour and has broad readership appeal”. Every year, only two papers are awarded this honour – one best paper and one highly commended (runner-up).
For 2020 our article “ The HR lady is on board: Untangling the link between HRM’s feminine image and HRM’s board representation” by Astrid Reichel, Isabella Scheibmayr (both HRM group) and Julia Brandl (University of Innsbruck) was Highly Commended for the Best Paper Award of HRMJ. The article is published in Vol. 30, No. 4 of HRMJ, and the achievement will be formally announced in the next issue of HRMJ.

We thank HRMJ for this great honour!
(online since 09.06.2021)
HRM group @ EAISM-Workshop
The 36th international workshop of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) about “Strategic Human Resource Management” took place from May 27th to 28th, 2021 in a digital setting. During the workshop, researchers presented latest results about strategic HR, digitization, sustainability and other highly interesting topics.
The HRM group was represented by Christina Fuchs with the presentation “The spark of face-to-face communication: Examining how informal digital voice channels influence employees’ willingness to speak up “. Christina Fuchs presented current results about changes of Employee Voice Behavior triggered by the digitization of informal voice channels.
We thank the EIASM team around Ingrid Fulmer, Michael Segalla and Bruno Staffelbach for organizing this exciting workshop and all participants for the lively exchange!
We would also like to thank the Kaiserschild Foundation for promoting our research on the effects of the augmented digitization of communication channels following increased location flexibility induced by Covid-19.
(online since 07.06.2021)
HRM group @ AKempor 2021
The Annual Conference of the Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor) was held in May 2021 at the Europe University of Flensburg in a virtual space. Astrid Reichel, Christina Fuchs and Isabella Scheibmayr represented the HRM group with two talks.
- Christina Fuchs presented the paper “The spark of face-to-face communication: Examining how informal digital voice channels influence employees’ willingness to speak up” (co-author Astrid Reichel), examining the effects of digitalizing informal voice channels on employee voice under home office conditions in the Covid-19 related lockdowns in Austria.
- Isabella Scheibmayr discussed unwanted methodological effects of machine-learning assisted automated employee evaluation algorithms in the paper “Strathern’s paradox. How AI-supported automated performance evaluation transforms work” (co-authored with Astrid Reichel).
That’s the link to the detailled programme (in German).
We thank the team of Thomas Behrends and Susanne Royer from the Europe-University Flensburg for organizing this fascinating conference!
(online since 12.05.2021)
HRM group @ Podcast of SN
Astrid Reichel and Stephanie Rausch are talking about women’s quota and token women. Listen to the Salzburger Nachrichten Podocast (in German)!

Already on April 23rd Salzburger Nachrichten reported in detail on gender stereotypes and women’s quota.
(online since 06.05.2021)
HRM group @ Oxford Handbook
The “ Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management” has been published online. Astrid Reichel co-authored two of the chapters in the edited book.
- The chapter „Human Resource Management Outsourcing” (Lazarova/Reichel) provides an overview about the extent to which HRM outsourcing is used in organizations, influencing factors, effects and common theoretical backgrounds in HRMO research.
- The chapter „Human Resource Management in the Germanic Context” (Krebs/Wach/Wehner/Reichel/Mayrhofer/Sender/Staffelbach/Ligthart) considers similarity and differences within the Germanic cluster (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands) in strategic HRM and HR development.
(online since 27.04.2021)
HRM group @ Kaiserschild Foundation Grant
Christina Fuchs was awarded with the Kaiserschild Foundation’s Covid-19 research grant as the main applicant for a joint project between the HRM Group at the University of Salzburg and the Vienna University of Economics and Business, investigating the effects of the increased use of digital communication media during the Covid-19 lockdown on individual career paths and career-relevant structures in organizations.
The Kaiserschild Foundation was founded in 2007 in Austria, in 2011 Dr. Hans-Riegel-special prizes were awarded first time at the University of Salzburg. The foundation is committed to promoting innovative research projects by young scientists.
We thank them for this recognition and financial support!
(online since 16.02.2021)