Selected Publications
Daschil, F. and Steinhäusler, F.: Chernobyl accident dose reduction model, Proc. of the 4th European Congress, 13th Reg. Congr. of IRPA, Salzburg, Austria, Sept. 15-19, 1986.
Steinhäusler, F.: Hot particles in the Chernobyl fallout. Proc. Internat. Workshop on “Hot Particles in the Chernobyl Fallout”, (Eds.: H. v. Philipsborn and F. Steinhäusler), Oct. 28-29, 1987, Theuern, FRG, Bergbau- und Industrie Museum, Ostbayern, Bd.16 (1988): 15-21.
Steinhäusler, F. and Rockwood, L.: Implications from the Chernobyl-accident for off-site response to transboundary fallout contamination. Proc. 7th Congr. IRPA, Sydney, Australia, Radiation Protection Practice, Vol.II (1988): 1071- 1078.
Steinhäusler, F., Hofmann, W., Daschil, F. and Reubel, B.: Chernobyl and its radiological consequences for the Province of Salzburg, Austria. Environment International – The Special Issue – Chernobyl Accident: Regional and Global Impact, 14/2 (1988).
Steinhäusler, F.: Summary of the present understanding of the significance of hot particles from the Chernobyl fallout. Proc. Int. Workshop on “Hot Particles in the Chernobyl Fallout”, (Eds.: H. v. Philipsborn and F. Steinhäusler) Oct. 28-29, 1987, Theuern, FRG (1988): 143-144.
Steinhäusler, F.: Natürliche Strahlenbelastung des Menschen, Proc.Symp. “Radioaktivität und Trinkwasser”, Salzburg, Österr. und Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches, (Eds.: H. Frischherz und K. Haberer), ÖVGW Bericht SW2 (1988): 43-52.
Reubel,B., Daschil,F. and Lettner,H.: Distribution of Cs 137 in human organs. (ed.: E.P. Goldfinch), Pergamon Press, Radiat.Prot.Dosim. 27/3 (1989): 179-183.
Pohl-Rüling,J., Brogger,A., Haas,O.A., Obe, G., Lettner, H., Daschil,F. and Atzmüller,C.: Chromosome damage in humans after low-dose exposure to fallout from the Chernobyl accident. Pharmacol. Toxicol. (CPH), Vol. 66 (Supp. 5) (1990): 15.
Lettner, H.: Post-Chernobyl distribution of the 137Cs concentration in soil and environmental samples in mountainous and plain areas of the Province of Salzburg, Austria. Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Environmental Contamination Following a Major Nuclear Accident, Rep.No. IAEA-SM-306/60, Vienna (1990): 193- 203.
Pohl-Rüling,J., Haas,O., Brogger,A., Obe,G., Lettner,H., Daschil,F., Atzmüller, C., Lloyd,Dr., Kubiak,R. and Natarajan,A.T.: The effect of lymphocyte chromosomes of additional radiation burden due to fallout in Salzburg/Austria from the Chernobyl accident. Mut Res. 262 (1991): 209-217.
Steinhäusler,F.: Uncertainties associated with the corraboration of official USSR environmental data in areas contaminated by Chernobyl fallout, J. Environ. Radioactivity 17 (Special Issue), Nos. 2-3 (1992): 211-222.
Steinhäusler,F.: Environmental contamination. The International Chernobyl Project: Assessment of radiological consequences and evaluation of protective measures. Technical Report, IAEA, Vienna, ISBN 92-0-129191-4 (1991): 107-200.
Steinhäusler, F.: Environmental contamination. The International Chernobyl Project: An overview. IAEA, Vienna, ISBN 92-0-129091-8 (1991): 10-18.
Steinhäusler, F.: Das internationale Tschernobyl-Projekt, eine Studie der IAEA 1991. 9. Deutsch./Österr. Strahlenschutztagung, Wien, Juni 1992. In: Strahlenschutz in Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 34, Fischer Verlag (1992): 155-161.
Lettner,H., Zombori,P., Ghods,A., Girzikowsky,R., La Rosa,G., Sitter,H., Schweiger,M., and Winkelmann,I.: Radiometric measurements in selected settlements in Byelorussia and the Ukraine. J. Environ. Radioactivity 17 (1992): 107-113.
Henrich, E. and Steinhäusler, F.: Dose assessment for recent inhabitants living adjacent to zones heavily contaminated from the Chernobyl fallout. Health Phys. 64/5 (1993): 473-478. H
ofmann,W., Attarpour,N., Lettner,H. and Türk,R.: Cesium 137 concentrations in lichens before and after the Chernobyl accident. Health Physics 64 (1993):70-73.
Kirchner, E., Kurtz, P., Neumayr, E., Peer, T., Pintaric, M. und Lettner, H.: Langzeitverhalten von Radiocäsium in Almböden Salzburgs. Endbericht zum Forschungsauftrag an das BMWF und das Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung. Salzburg, Sept. 1992.
Steinhäusler, F.: Der Mensch im Strahlenumfeld. In: „Strahlenschutz: Physik und Meßtechnik“ (Eds.: W. Koelzer, R. Maushart). Vol. 1, ISBN 3-8249-0212-5 (1994): 1-18.
Lettner, H., Bossew, P., Hubmer, A. and Gastberger, M.: Variability of the depth-profiles of Cs-137 in soils of the Province of Salzburg. Proc. Int. Symp. on Radioecology, April 1996, Vienna (eds.: G. Desmet, B. Howard, G. Heinrich, W. Schimmack and M. Gerzabek), Publ.: Austrian Soil Science Society (1996): 191-198.
Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Hubmer, A.K., Gastberger, M. und Steinhäusler: Der Tschernobyl-Fallout und seine Auswirkungen in Salzburg. Jahrbuch der Universität Salzburg 1993-1995, Roman Kovar Verlag, München-Eichenau (1996): 313-324.
Steinhäusler F.: Radiation Protection and Radiological/Nuclear Emergencies, IAEA-Public Information Seminar, ISSN 0352-3675, Rad. Sigur., 1/3 (1997): 219-235.
Steinhäusler, F. and Wieland, P.: Radiological emergencies due to unaccounted sources or failures of the control system in developing countries. Proc. Int. Conf. „Goiania – 10 Years Later“, Goiania, Brazil (1997): 273-278.
Wieland, P., Steinhäusler, F. Xavier, A.M., and Unterbrunner, U.: Public perception of radiation safetety – a case study in Brazil. Proc. Int. Conf. „Goiania – Ten Years Later“, Goiania, Brazil (1997): 262-269.
Gastberger, M., Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Steinhäusler, F. and Hubmer, A.: Impact of the Chernobyl fallout in the alpine environment. “One decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the consequences of the accident”. Poster presentations. IAEA TECDOC-964, Vol. 2 (1997):158-165.
Nadschläger, E., Karg, V., Ditto, M., Ringer, W., Maringer, F.-J., Ramer, A., Gerzabek, M.H., Strebl, F., Lettner, H., Bossew, P., Hubmer, A. und Kienzl, K.: Wechselwirkung zwischen Radiocäsium-Bodenkontamination und Hydrosphäre. Materialienband BE-111, Umweltbundesamt, ISBN: 3-85457-423-1, Wien 1998.
Lettner, H., Bossew, P. and Hubmer, A. K.: Spatial variability of fallout Caesium-137 in Austrian alpine regions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 47 (2000) (1999): 71-82.
Kichner, G., Salt, C.A., Lettner, H., Hansen, H.S., & Rekolainen, S. (1998). Integrated long-term management of radioactively contaminated land. International Radiological Post-Emergency Response Conference, Washington, DC, USA Sept. 1998, pp. 118-122. Environmental Protection Agency.
Steinhäusler, W. and Wieland, P.: Risk cognition as a new communication tool for high-tech industries: comparative analysis between nuclear industry and biotechnology. Proc. Int. Conf. IRPA-10, Hiroshima, Japan (2000): P-10-172.
Gastberger, M., Steinhäusler, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.(2000): Soil to plant transfer of fallout caesium and strontium in Austrian lowland and Alpine pastures. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 49(2), 217-233.
Gastberger, M., Steinhäusler, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.(2000): 90Sr and 137Cs in environmental samples from Dolon near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. Health Physics. 79(3):257-265, 2000.
Lettner H., Bossew P., Gastberger M. & F. Strebl (2000): RADALP: Höhenabhängigkeit der Mobilität von Cs und Sr in Böden und deren Auswirkungen auf die Landwirtschaft. Forschungsbericht Bundesländer-Kooperationsprojekt. Bundesmin.f.Wiss.und Verkehr, Wien.
Gastberger M., Hubmer A., Steinhäusler F., Lettner H., Spano M., Stronati L and Testa A.(2001): Plutonium in soil from Dolon near the Semipatatinsk Nuclear Test site (2001): Radiochimica acta 2001, Vol 89/6,371-375.
Lettner H., Gastberger M. and A. Hubmer (2002): Long-term dynamics of Cs in dairy products in Austrian Alpine regions. Proc. Int. Conf. Ecorad 2001. Aix-en-Provence, 3-7 Sept. 2001, Radioprotection – Colloques, Vol. 37, C1(2002), pp 433-437.
Strebl, L., Gerzabek, M.H., Kienzl, K., Lettner H. & Bossew, P. (2002). 137Cs interactions between soil contamination and hydrosphere. IAEA TECDOC. 1314, 35-39.
Steinhäusler, F.: What it takes to become a nuclear terrorist. American Behavioral Scientist, 46/6 (2003): 782-795.
Lettner H., Bossew P., Strebl F., Hubmer A.K. (2003): 137Cs und 90Sr Verteilung auf Almen der Salzburger Hohen Tauern und Aktivitätskonzentrationen in Lebensmitteln. Forschungsbericht: BM Ges.und Generationen, Wien. 73pp.
Bossew P., Kagerer S., Klepsch S., Lettner H. (2003): Variabilität des Migrationsverhaltens von 137Cs als Basis für die Modellierung des Transfer in Vegetation und Nahrungsmittel. Forschungsbericht: BM Ges.und Generationen, Wien. 79pp
Radioökologie im Modellgebiet Naßfeld Alm:Wechselwirkungen zwischen Radionuklidmobilität, mikrobieller Biomasse, Hydrosphäre Lettner H., Bossew P., Stemmer M., Wilflinger Th., Hubmer A.K.H. (2004): und schmelzenden Gletschern. Forschungsbericht Umweltbundesamt , Wien 73pp.
Steinhäusler, F.: Radiological impact on man and the environment from the oil- and gas industry: Risk assessment for the critical group. NATO Sciences Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 41, M. Zaidi and I. Mustafaev (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (2004): 129-134.
Steinhäusler, F.: Internationaler Terrorismus als globales Sicherheitsrisiko. Soziale und kulturelle Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Zeitdiagnosen 6. Karl Acham (Hg.), Passagen Verlag (2004): 121-129.
Steinhäusler, F.: Chernobyl and Goiania lessons for responding to radiological terrorism. Health Physics 89/5 (2005): 566-574.
Wilflinger T., H. Lettner, A.K. Hubmer and W. Hofmann (2005): Radiocaesium in flowing waters of highly contaminated Austrian alpine areas • Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 83/1, 2005, Pages 75-89
Stemmer M., Hromatka A., Lettner H. and Strebl F. (2005): Radiocesium storage in soil microbial biomass of undisturbed alpine meadow soils and its relation to soil-plant transfer. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.79/2, pp 107-118.
Lettner H., Griesebner A., Peer Th., Hubmer A.K., Pintaric M.(2006): Altitude dependent 137Cs Concentrations in different plant species in alpine agricultural areas. ,Journal of Environmental radioactivity Vol. 86/1, 2006, Pages 12-30
Bossew P., H. Lettner and A. Hubmer (2006): A note on 207Bi in environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 91/3, pp160-166.
Bossew P., Lettner H., Hubmer A., Erlinger C. and Gastberger M. (2007): Activity ratios of 137Cs, 90Sr and 239+240Pu in environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.97/1, 2007, pp5-19
Peter Bossew, Herbert Lettner, Alexander Hubmer, Stefan Kagerer (2007): „Kontamination von wild wachsenden Pilzen mit 137Cs im Land Salzburg und dem angrenzenden Oberösterreich. Erstellung einer Kontaminationskarte“. Bericht an das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen, Wien. 74pp.
Lettner H., A. Hubmer, P. Bossew and F. Strebl (2007). 137Cs and 90Sr transfer to milk in Austrian alpine agriculture. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 98/1-2, 2007, pp69-84.
Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: Schmuggel von Nuklearmaterial und Strahlen-quellen: Bedrohung oder Fiktion? ÖMZ 4 (2007): 444-447.
Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: Uranium mining and milling: Material security and risk assessment. Int. J. Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 1/3 (2007): 286-304.
Steinhäusler, F.: On the need to strengthen nuclear security culture in view of new security risks. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Nuclear Security Culture: From National Best Practices to International Standards, 28 (2007): 55-62.
Steinhäusler, F.: Managing security risks to the nuclear fuel cycle: Current knowledge and challenges ahead. Atoms for Peace, 1/4 (2007): 275-280.
Steinhäusler, F.: Countering radiological terrorism: Consequences of the radiation exposure incident in Goiania (Brazil). NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Social and Psychological Effects of Radiological Terrorism, 29 (2007): 53-64.
Steinhäusler, F.: Cleanup and site restoration strategy after a radiological terror attack. Prevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Threats (S. Apikyan et al., eds.), Springer Verlag (2008): 259-264.
Lettner, H., Hubmer, A., Bossew, P., Strebl, F. and Steinhäusler, F. (2008): Ecological half-lives of 137Cs in milk in alpine agriculture. Int. Conf. on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, 15 – 20 June, 2008, Bergen, Norway, Proceedings, (2008): 242-243.
Lettner Herbert, Hubmer Alexander, Bossew Peter, Strebl Friederike, Friedrich Steinhäusler (2009). Effective and ecological half-lives of 137Cs in milk in alpine agriculture. Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:47–56
Erlinger Christian, H. Lettner, A. Hubmer, W. Hofmann, F. Steinhäusler (2008). Determining the Chernobyl impact on sediments of a pre-Alpine lake with a very comprehensive set of data. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 99, 2008, 1294-1301.
Strebl F., Lettner H., Hubmer A.K., Bossew P. (2009). Radionuclide transfer in alpine ecosystems, IAEA-TECDOC-1616, Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments, pp 397 – 401.
Tieber A., Lettner H., Hubmer A., Bossew P., Sattler B., Hofmann W (2009): Accumulation of anthropogenic radionuclides in cryoconites on Alpine glaciers. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol 100/7, pp 590-598.
Erlinger Ch.,Lettner H., Hubmer A., Hofmann W., Steinhäusler F., (2009) Determination of 137Cs in the watersystem of a pre-Alpine lake. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 100/4, pp354-360
Steinhäusler, F.: Countering security risks to nuclear power plants. Int. J. Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, Vol. 2 /4 (2009): 375-386.
Steinhäusler, F.: The effective countering of terrorism: Logistical and operational countermeasures. In: Effectively Countering Terrorism. The challenges of prevention, preparedness and response (C. Beyer and M. Bauer, Eds.), Sussex Academic Press, 100/4 (2009): 177-207.
Steinhäusler, F.: Geohazards due to technologically enhanced natural radioactive wastes, Acta Geophysica 58/5 (2010): 922-938.
Birgit Sattler, Barbara Post, Daniel Remias, Cornelius Lütz, Herbert Lettner and Roland Psenner (2011). Cold Alpine Regions. Beitrag zu: Life at Extremes: Environments, Organisms and Strategies for Survival, pp138-154.
Steinhäusler, F.: Terrorism threats due to weapons of mass disturbance. The Science and Culture Series, Nuclear Strategy and Peace Technology, Int. Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies, 43rd Session. (Eds.: A. Zichichi and R. Ragaini), World Scientific Publ. Ltd, London(2011): 485-491.
Iurian A.R., W. Hofmann, H. Lettner, R. Türk, C. Cosma (2011). Long Term Study of Cs-137 Concentrations in Lichens and Mosses. Romanian Journal of Physics, 7-8, Vol 56, (2011), pp 983-992.
Lettner H., A. Hubmer, T. Wilflinger (2012): Erhebung der 137Cs – Belastung von Österreichischen Waldpilzen 2012. Forschungsbericht an das BM f. Ges. Wien. 33pp.
Steinhäusler, F., Wilflinger, T and Heidegger, W.: Computer simulation assisting crisis management after a radiological terror attack. WiN Global Quarterly Magazine, Issue 35 (2013): 11-17.
Steinhäusler F., A.K. Hubmer, H. Lettner, P. Schönleitner, G. Oberfeld, H. Neumann (2013). Das radiologische Meßlabor des Landes Salzburg.. Strahlenschutz aktuell 47(1)2013, pp 16-24.
Lettner H., A. Hubmer, T. Wilflinger (2014): Erhebung der 137Cs – Belastung von Österreichischen Waldpilzen 2014. Forschungsbericht an das BM f. Ges. Wien. 32pp.
Steinhäusler Friedrich, Herbert Lettner und Alexander Hubmer (2016). Auswirkung erhöhter Tschernobyl Fallout-Deposition in den Zentralalpen. In „Nukleare Katastrophen und ihre Folgen“. Ed. Liebert, Gepp, Reinberger. Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2016. pp 167-184
Lettner H., A. Hubmer, T. Wilflinger (2016): Erhebung der 137Cs – Belastung von Österreichischen Waldpilzen (Pilzsaison 2016). Forschungsbericht an das BM f. Ges. Wien. 24pp.
Lettner H., A. Hubmer, W. Hofmann, J. Landrichinger, M. Gaisberger, R. Winkler-Heil (2017): Radon in the Exhaled Air of Patients in Radon Therapy. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 177, Vol. 1-2, 2017, pp 78–82.
Wilflinger T., H. Lettner, A. Hubmer, A.Tieber, P. Bossew, B. Sattler, H. Slupetzky (2017). Cryoconites from Alpine glaciers: Radionuclide accumulation and age estimation with Pu and Cs isotopes and 210Pb. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 186, 2018, Pages 90-100
Steinhäusler, F.: International assessment of the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident in the USSR, Proc. Int. Public Information Seminar “Atomic Energy in our Changing World”, Int. Atomic. Energy Agency, Hungary (1991).
Steinhäusler, F.: Radiological effects to the environment and human radiation dose assessment. Proc. Public Information Seminar “International Chernobyl Project”, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Tokyo, Japan (1991).
Steinhäusler,F.: Environmental contamination. The International Chernobyl Project: Assessment of radiological consequences and evaluation of protective measures. Technical Report, IAEA, Vienna, ISBN 92-0-129191-4 (1991): 107-200.
Steinhäusler, F.: Environmental contamination. The International Chernobyl Project: An overview. IAEA, Vienna, ISBN 92-0-129091-8 (1991): 10-18.
Steinhäusler, F.: Lessons from Hiroshima and Chernobyl. Proc. “Regional Seminar Nuclear Power and Public Opinion”, Bangkok, 14-15 Nov. 1991, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (1991).
Lettner,H., Zombori,P., Ghods,A., Girzikowsky,R., La Rosa,G., Sitter,H., Schweiger,M., and Winkelmann,I.: Radiometric measurements in selected settlements in Byelorussia and the Ukraine. J. Environ. Radioactivity 17 (1992): 107-113.
Steinhäusler,F. and Lettner,H.: Radiometric survey in Namibia. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 45 (1992): 553-555.
Steinhäusler,F.: Uncertainties associated with the corraboration of official USSR environmental data in areas contaminated by Chernobyl fallout, J. Environ. Radioactivity 17 (Special Issue), Nos. 2-3 (1992): 211-222.
Steinhäusler, F.: Das internationale Tschernobyl-Projekt, eine Studie der IAEA 1991. 9. Deutsch./Österr. Strahlenschutztagung, Wien, Juni 1992. In: Strahlenschutz in Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 34, Fischer Verlag (1992): 155-161.
Steinhäusler, F.: International Chernobyl accident assessment study, Proc. Int. Public Information Seminar “The Nuclear Power Alternative: Facts and Considerations”, Int. Atomic Energy Agency. Cairo, Egypt (1992).
Steinhäusler, F.: Comparison of radiation exposure and health effects: A-bomb survivors vs. residents in Chernobyl-fallout affected areas. Proc. Int. Seminar “Teknologi Nuklear Dan Alam Sekitar”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (1992).
Steinhäusler, F. and Scott, R.: Facts and fiction about the International Chernobyl Project: critical review of the risk communication policies adopted, Ann. Meeting Society of Risk Analysis, Book of Abstracts, San Diego, USA (1992).
Hofmann,W., Attarpour,N., Lettner,H. and Türk,R.: Cesium 137 concentrations in lichens before and after the Chernobyl accident. Health Physics 64 (1993):70-73.
Hofmann,W., Lettner,H. and Crawford-Brown,D.J.: A dose-rate model predicting radon-induced lung cancer risk in rats. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 45 (1992): 635-638.
Zombori,P., Németh,I., Andrási,A. and Lettner,H.: In-situ gamma-spectrometric measurement of the contamination in some selected settlements of Byelorussia (BSSR), Ukraine (UkrSSR) and the Russian Federation (RSFSR). J. Environ. Radioactivity 17 (1992): 97-106.
Henrich, E. and Steinhäusler, F.: Dose assessment for recent inhabitants living adjacent to zones heavily contaminated from the Chernobyl fallout. Health Phys. 64/5 (1993): 473-478.
Steinhäusler, F.: Der Mensch im Strahlenumfeld. In: ?Strahlenschutz: Physik und Meßtechnik? (Eds.: W. Koelzer, R. Maushart). Vol. 1, ISBN 3-8249-0212-5 (1994): 1-18.
Steinhäusler,F., Hofmann, W. and Lettner, H.: Thoron exposure of man: a negligible issue? Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 56 (1994): 127-131.
Friedmann, H., Sperker, S., Tschurlovits, M., Karg,, V., Schönhofer, F., Maringer, F.J., Schermann, O., Steinhäusler, F., Pohl, E., Pohl-Rüling, J., Hofmann, W., Lettner, H., Breitenhuber, L., Kindl, P., Seiberl, W., Oberlercher, G., Steger, F. Stadtmann, H. und Brunner, P.: Radon in Österreich, Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger Untersuchungen und Konzepte für ein weiteres Vorgehen hinsichtlich eines nationalen Radonprogrammes, Beiträge, Forschungsberichte des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz, Sektion III, 4/92.
Krammer, B., Hofmann, W., Lettner, H. und Steinhäusler, F.: Biophysikalische Forschung am Institut für Physik und Biophysik an der Universität Salzburg. 43. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, (1993): 188.
- Kirchner, E., Kurtz, P., Neumayr, E., Peer, T., Pintaric, M. und Lettner, H.: Langzeitverhalten von Radiocäsium in Almböden Salzburgs. Endbericht zum Forschungsauftrag an das BMWF und das Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung. Salzburg, Sept. 1992.
- Finger, F., Frasl, G., Haunschmid, B., Lettner, H., Von Quadt A., Schermaier, A., Schindlmayr, A.O. and Steyrer, H.P.: The Zentralgneise of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps): Insight into an Intra-Alpine Variscan Batholith. In: Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps (J.F. von Raumer and F. Neubauer, Eds.). Springer Verlag (1993): 375-392.
- Höck V., Kraiger H & H. Lettner (1993): Oceanic vs Continental Origin of the Palaeozoic Habach Formation in the Vicinity of the Felbertal Scheelite Deposit (Hohe Tauern, Austria). A geochemical Approach. Abh.Geol.B.-A.,49(1993),79-95
- Bernatzky G., Graf A. H., Saria A, Hofmann W., Lettner H. und G. Leiner (1993): Schmerzhemmende Wirkung einer Kurbehandlung bei Patienten mit Spondylarthritis Ankylopoetica. Österr. Zeitschrift für Physikal. Medizin, 4.Jg., Heft 4, ISSN 1021-4348 (1994): 85-94
- Maringer, E.J., Kaineder, H., Kindl, P., Lettner, H., Mossbauer, L. und Saidler, C.: Unsicherheiten bei der Radonmessung: Ein aktueller Methodenvergleich. UG 94, 3. Arbeitstagung, Bundesforschungs- und Prüfungszentrum Arsenal, Geotechn. Institut, 27.-29. April 1994, Kurzfassung (1994): 135-136.
- Lettner, H., Pohl-Rüling, J., Atzmüller, Ch., Haas, A.O., Lloyd, D., Brögger, A., Obe, G., Schroeder, T., Leonard, E.D. and Leonard, A.: Aberrations in blood chromosomes induced in vivo by low level radiation. Int. Symp. on Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures to Radiation and Related Agents. Isbelles 93, Oct. 12-16, 1993, Changchun, China, Book of Abstracts (1993): 29.
- Lettner, H., Höck V., Steijskal Ch (1994): Remnants of Mesozoic Intraplate Volcanism in the Penninic Realm (Austria). Poster: In Conference on Ophiolites ??
- Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J. and Steinhäusler, F.: Mid-term radioecological and radiobiological consequences of Chernobyl fallout in an alpine environment. Proc. Int. Conf. ?Radiation and Society: Comprehending Radiation Risk?. Okt. 1994, Paris, IAEA Report no. IAEA-CN-54/45P (1994): 62-67.
- H. Lettner, P. Bossew, A.K. Hubmer (1994) Kontamination durch radioaktiven Fallout in Salzburg und angrenzenden Teilen Oberösterreichs. Forschungsbericht des Umweltbundesamtes / Wien: UBA-94-101.
- Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Hubmer, A.K., Gastberger, M. und Steinhäusler: Der Tschernobyl-Fallout und seine Auswirkungen in Salzburg. Jahrbuch der Universität Salzburg 1993-1995, Roman Kovar Verlag (1996): 313-324.
- Bossew, P., Hubmer, A.K. und Lettner, H.: Statistisch bedingte Unsicherheiten durch Fallout-Homogenitäten bei der Ermittlung der radioaktiven Kontamination durch Tschernobyl-Fallout. Tagungsbericht der 15. ÖSRAD Jahrestagung (1994): 77-85.
- Steger, F., E. Havlik und H. Lettner (1994): Ganzkörpermessungen in Österreich. ÖSRAD-Tagung, Juni 94 / in Druck.
- Rolle, R., Hofmann, W. and Lettner, H.: Measurement challenges in dose monitoring of radon progeny. In: ?Indoor Air: An Integrated Approach?, (Eds.: L. Morawska, N.D. Bofinger and M. Maroni), Elsevier Publ. (1995): 139-143.
- Rolle, R., Lettner, H. Hofmann, W. and Winkler, R.: Calculated alpha counting of a sample/detector geometry for ambient radon progeny measurement. Proc. Symp. on Radiat. Prot. in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe, IRPA Reg. Congr., Portoroz, Slovenia, Sept. 4-8 (1996): 277-280.
- Andrasi, H., Lettner, H., Lovranich, E., Steger, F., Urban, J., Urbanich, E. and Zombori, P.: Field measurements on high altitude alpine areas of Austria. In: Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe – 1995 (ed.: D. Glavic-Cindro), Portoroz, Slovenia, Proceedings (1996): 242-245.
- Hille, P., Kromp, W., Mück, K. und Steinhäusler, F.: Die Folgen des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl für Mensch und Umwelt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Forum für Atomfragen, Wien (1996).
- Steger, F., Lettner, H., Andrasi, A. and Lovranich, E.: In-situ gammaspectrometry intercomparison exercise in Salzburg/Austria. In: Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe – 1995 (ed.: D. Glavic-Cindro), Portoroz, Slovenia, Proceedings (1996): 293-297.
- Rolle, R., Lettner, H. und Winkler, R.: Ventilationsmodelle für Gebäude mit Radon-Zerfallsprodukt-Messungen. Österr. Physikal. Ges., 46. Jahrestagung (1996): 171.
- Lettner, H., Huber, A.K., Rolle, R., Winkler, R. and Steinhäusler, F.: Daily and seasonal variations of outdoor alpha-activity concentration in Salzburg City/Austria. In: Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries in Central Europe – 1995 (ed.: D. Glavic-Cindro), Portoroz, Slovenia, Proceedings (1996): 328-330.
- Lettner, H., Hubmer, A.K., Rolle, R. and Steinhäusler, F.: Occupational exposure to radon in treatment facilities of the radon-spa Badgastein, Austria. Env. Int. 22, Suppl. 1 (1996): S399-S407.
- Rolle, R. and Lettner, H.: An analysis of efficient measurement procedures for radon progeny. Env. Int. 22, Suppl. 1 (1996): S585-S593.
- Friedmann, H., Breitenhuber, L., Harmernik, E., Hofmann, W., Kaineder, H., Karg, V., Kindl, Lettner, H., Maringer, F.J., Mossbauer, L., Nadschläger, E., Oberlercher, G., Pock, K., Schönhofer, F., Seiberl, W., Sperker, S., Stadtmann, H., Steger, F., Steinhäusler, F. and Tschurlovits, M.: Survey of Indoor Radon Concentration in Austria. The Austrian Radon Project (ARP). Env. Int. 22, Suppl. 1 (1996): S677-686.
- Rolle, R., Lettner, H. and Hofmann, W.: Ventilation model for elevated radon decay product levels indoors. In: IRPA9, 1996 International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, Proceedings, Volume 2 (1996): P11-45, pp. 137.
- Lettner, H., Pohl-Rüling, J., Atzmüller, Ch., Hofmann, W., Haas, A.O., Lloyd, D., Brogger, A., Obe, G., Schroeder, T., Leonard, E.D. and Leonard, A.: Induction of in-vivo blood chromosome aberrations by low-level radiation from nuclear fallout. In: IRPA9, 1996 International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, Proceedings, Volume 3 (1996): P33-5, p 64.
- Lettner, H., Andasi, A., Hubmer, A.K., Lovranich, E., Steger, F. and Zombori, P.: In 2situ gamma-spectrometry intercomparison exercise in Salzburg, Austria. In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A 369, Elsevier Publ. (1996): 547-551.
- Lettner, H., Bossew, P., Hubmer, A. and Gastberger, M.: Variability of the depth-profiles of Cs-137 in soils of the Province of Salzburg. Proc. Int. Symp. on Radioecology, April 1996, Vienna (eds.: G. Desmet, B. Howard, G. Heinrich, W. Schimmack and M. Gerzabek), Publ.: Austrian Soil Science Society (1996): 191-198.
- Bossew, P., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.: Spatial variability of fallout- Cs-137. Proc. Int. Symp. on Radioecology, April 1996, Vienna (eds.: G. Desmet, B. Howard, G. Heinrich, W. Schimmack and M. Gerzabek), Publ.: Austrian Soil Science Society (1996): 179-186.
- Friedmann, H., Atzmüller, C., Breitenhuber, L., Fink, K., Hofmann, W., Kafesie, M., Karg, V., Kindl, P., Kompatscher, M., Kralik, C., Lettner, H., Maringer, F.J., Schönhofer, F., Schramml, B., Singer, T., Stadtmann, H., Steger, F., Steinhäusler, F., Weilguni, I. und Weissenbök, R.: Ermittlung der Strahlenbelastung der österreichischen Bevölkerung durch Radonexposition und Abschätzung des damit verbundenen Lungenkrebsrisikos ? Österreichstudie. Endbericht. Im Auftrag des BM f. Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz; ÖNRAP-3/2 (1996).
- Steger, H. Lettner und A. Andrasi: In-situ-gamma-spectrometry intercomparison exercise in Salzburg, Austria, 1994. Seibersdorf Report, OEFZS-4773 (1996).
- Maringer, F.J., Akis, N.G., Kaineder, H., Kindl, P., Kralik, C., Lettner, H., Lueginger, St., Ringer, W., Rolle, R., Schönhofer, F., Perker, S., Stadtmann, H., Steger, F., Steinhäusler, F., Tschurlovits, M. and Winkler, R.: The Austrian radon mitigation project: A current progress report. Proc. Europ. Conf. On ?Protection against Radon at Home and at Work?, Part II, June 2-6, 1997, Praha, Czech Republic. pp129-133.
- Maringer, F.J., Akis, N.G., Kaineder, H., Kindl, P., Kralik, C., Lettner, H., Rezniczek, G., Ringer, W., Schönhofer, F., Stadtmann, H., Safranek, H., Steger, F., Tschurlovits, M. and Winkler, R.: The Austrian radon intercomparison exercise ?96. Proc. Europ. Conf. On ?Protection against Radon at Home and at Work?, Part II, June 2-6, 1997, Praha, Czech Republic. pp 134-138.
- Rolle, R., Lettner, H. and R. Winkler: From simplest to more sophisticated field measurement of radon decay products. Proc. Europ. Conf. On ?Protection against Radon at Home and at Work?, Part II, June 2-6, 1997, Praha, Czech Republic. pp 187-190.
- Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Hubmer, A.K., Gastberger, M. und Steinhäusler: Der Tschernobyl-Fallout und seine Auswirkungen in Salzburg. Jahrbuch der Universität Salzburg 1993-1995, Roman Kovar Verlag, München-Eichenau (1996): 313-324.
- Steinhäusler, F. and Dreicer, M.: Current management approaches in the event of radiological emergencies. In: IRPA9, 1996 International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, Proceedings, Volume 3 (1996): 209-211.
- F. Steinhäusler, P. Wieland and Z. Wang: The potential threat to human security and the environment from unaccounted sources of ionizing radiation in developing countries: a challenge to radiation protection. EADI Int. Conf, Vienna, Sept. 1996.
- Steinhäusler, F.: Communicating nuclear issues: a challenge for the nuclear community and the media. Proc. Int. Workshop ?Public Opinion on Nuclear Issues?, IAEA, Vienna, Austria (1996).
- Gastberger, M., Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Steinhäusler, F. and Hubmer, A.: Impact of the Chernobyl fallout in the alpine environment. ?One decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the consequences of the accident?. Poster presentations. IAEA TECDOC-964, Vol. 2 (1997):158-165.
- Gastberger, M., Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Pohl-Rüling, J., Steinhäusler, F. and Hubmer, A.: Impact of the Chernobyl fallout in the alpine environment: Summing up the consequences of the accident?. Poster presentations. IAEA-TECDOC-964, Vol. 2 (1997):158-165.
- Maringer, F.-J., Kaineder, H., Kindl, P., Lettner, H. Mossbauer, L. und Saidler, C.: Bestimmung von Radon und Radonfolgeprodukten in Luft: Eine aktuelle Vergleichsmessung. Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges., 88. Band (1997): 25-29.
- Friedmann, H., Breitenhuber, L., Hamernik, E., Hofmann, W., Kaineder, H., Karg, V., Kindl, P., Lettner, H., Maringer, F.-J., Mossbauer, L., Nadschläger, E., Oberlercher, G., Pock, K., Schönhofer, F., Seiberl, W., Sperker, S., Stadtmann, H., Steger, F., Steinhäusler, F. und Tschurlovits, M.: Das Österreichische Radon Projekt. Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges., Band 88 (1997): 15-23
- Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Rolle, R., Winkler R. and Foisner, W.: Radon dynamics in underwater thermal radon therapy. In: IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries of Central Europe 1997 (ed.: J. Sabol), Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings (1997): 133-135.
- Rolle, R., Lettner, H., Hofmann, W. and Winkler, R.: Why measure individual radon decay products? In: IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries of Central Europe 1997 (ed.: J. Sabol), Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings (1997): 165-167.
- Maringer F.J., N.G. Akis, H. Kaineder, P. Kindl, C. Kralik, H. Lettner, St. Lueginger, W. Ringer, R. Rolle, F. Schönhofer, S. Sperker, H. Stadtmann, F. Steger, F. Steinhäusler, M. Tschurlovits, and R. Winkler: First Results of the Austrian Radon Mitigation Project. In: IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries of Central Europe 1997 (ed.: J. Sabol), Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings (1997): 145-149.
- F. Steinhäusler: Radiation Protection and Radiological/Nuclear Emergencies, IAEA-Public Information Seminar, ISSN 0352-3675, Rad. Sigur., 1/3 (1997): 219-235.
- Steinhäusler, F. and Wieland, P.: Radiological emergencies due to unaccounted sources or failures of the control system in developing countries. Proc. Int. Conf. ?Goiania – 10 Years Later?, Goiania, Brazil (1997): 273-278.
- Wieland, P., Steinhäusler, F. Xavier, A.M., and Unterbrunner, U.: Public perception of radiation safetety – a case study in Brazil. Proc. Int. Conf. ?Goiania – Ten Years Later?, Goiania, Brazil (1997): 262-269.
- Baverstock, K. F., Simon, S. L., Steinhäusler, F. and Stegnar, P.: The public health impact of nuclear weapons testing in Kazahkstan. Report on a WHO-Expert Meeting, Rome, Italy, September 1997, Report No. EUR/ICP/TRNS 040303 (1998).
- Nadschläger, E., Karg, V., Ditto, M., Ringer, W., Maringer, F.-J., Ramer, A., Gerzabek, M.H., Strebl, F., Lettner, H., Bossew, P., Hubmer, A. und Kienzl, K.: Wechselwirkung zwischen Radiocäsium-Bodenkontamination und Hydrosphäre. Materialienband BE-111, Umweltbundesamt, ISBN: 3-85457-423-1, Wien 1998.
- Kaineder, E., Schlögelhofer, T., Sperker, S., Lueginger, S., Lueginger, D., Tschurlovits, M., Ringer, W., Kralik, C., Schönhofer, F., Maringer, M., Ramer, A., Rezniczek, G., Akis, G., Stadtmann, H., Steger, F., Kindl, P., Lettner, H., Roller, R., Steinhäusler, F., und Winkler, R.: Forschungsprojekt Sanierung radonbelasteter Häuser. SARAH-Endbericht, Teil B, März 1998.
- Maringer F.J, M.C. Akis, H. Kaineder, P. Kindl, C. Kraik, H. Lettner, W. Ringer, H. Stadtmann, R. Winkler (1998): Ein robustes und schnelles Verfahren zur Abschätzung der langzeitlich mittleren Radonkonzentration in einem Gebäude (Erweiterte Blower-Door Methode). 30. Jahrestagung Fachverband für Strahlenschutz: “Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt”. Lindau, 28.Sept – 2. Okt. 1998. Band 2, pp 435-440.
- Lettner, H., Bossew, P., Hubmer, A., Haunschmid, B. & Hosner. F., (1998): Transport von 137Cs in der Traun und Traunsedimenten. 30. Jahrestagung Fachverband für Strahlenschutz: “Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt”. Lindau, 28.Sept – 2. Okt. 1998. Band 2, pp 844-848.
- Maringer, F.J., S. Lueginger, M.C. Akis, P. Kindl, C. Kralik, H. Lettner, E. Nadschläger, W. Ringer, R. Rolle, F. Schönhofer, S. Sperker, H. Stadtmann, F. Steger, M. Tschurlovits, R. Winkler (1998): Das Österreichische Radonsanierungsprojekt ?SARAH?: Ergebnisse und Folgerungen. 30. Jahrestagung Fachverband für Strahlenschutz: “Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt”. Lindau, 28.Sept – 2. Okt. 1998. Band 2, pp 447-452.
- Lettner, H., Bossew, P. and Hubmer, A. K.: Spatial variability of fallout Caesium-137 in Austrian alpine regions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 47 (2000): 71-82.
- Salt, C. A, Hansen, H. S., Kirchner, G., Lettner, H., Rekolainen, S. and Dunsmore, M. C.: Impact assessment methodology for side-effects of countermeasures against radionuclide contamination of food products. The CESER Project. Research Report No. 1, Nord-Trondelag College, Steinkjer, Norway, ISBN 82-7456-119-8 (1999).
- Hofmann, W., Lettner, H., Winkler, R. and Foisner, W.: Perkutaner Radon-Transfer und Strahlenexposition durch Radonzerfallsprodukte beim Radon-Thermalwasserbad. In: Radon und Gesundheit (Eds. P. Deetjen und A. Falkenbach), Peter Lang, Frankfurt (1999): 83-91.
- Salt, C.A., Culligan Dunsmore, M. Wilson, Hansen, H.S., Kirchner, G., Lettner, H. & Rekolainen S (1999): The CESER Decision Support System. University of Stirling, Stirling, UK.
- Hansen, H.S., Salt, C.A., Kirchner, G., Rekolainen, S., Lettner, H., Grande, J., Wilson, M., Culligan Dunsmore, M., Tattari, S., Barlung, I., Ehlers, H., Hormann, V., Gastberger, M., Hosner, F., Peer, T. & Pintaric, M. (1999): Environmental and socio.economic impacts of agricultural countermeasures. Second International Symposium on Ionising Radiation. Ottawa, Canada, May 1999.
- Lettner, H., Gastberger, M., Hosner, F., Peer, T-. Pintaric, M., & Achleitner, A. (1999): Enhanced Cs-mobility in soils after AFCF application to animals. Book of abstracts. IRPA regional congress on radiation protection, 22-27 Aug. 1999, Budapest, Hungary.
- Bossew, P., Lettner, H., Hubmer, A., Haunschmitdm B., Strebl, F., & Kienzl K.(1999): Radicaesium output from the catchment of river Traun (Austria) by surface water. 76-77. Proceedings of ext. abst. 5th ICOBTE 1999. July 11-15, Vienna, Austria.
- Bossew, P., Karg, V., Ditto, M., Ringer, W., Lettner, H., Hubmer, A., & Gastberger, M (1999): Gammaspektrometrische Bestimmung von Nukliden der 238U-Reihe in Bodenproben. Forschungsbericht, Univ. Salzburg.
Kichner, G., Salt, C.A., Lettner, H., Hansen, H.S., & Rekolainen, S. (1998). Integrated long-term management of radioactively contaminated land. International Radiological Post-Emergency Response Conference, Washington, DC, USA Sept. 1998, pp. 118-122. Environmental Protection Agency
Gastberger, M., Steinhäusler, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.(2000): Soil to plant transfer of fallout caesium and strontium in Austrian lowland and Alpine pastures. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 49(2), 217-233.
Gastberger, M., Steinhäusler, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.: 90Sr and 137Cs in environmental samples from Dolon near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. Health Physics. 79(3):257-265.
Kagerer St., Rettenmoser T., Winkler R., Lettner H., Hofmann W., Rolle R., Steger F., Jamriska M. and L. Morawska (1999): Measurement of Radon progeny size distribution and unattached fractions in the Thermal Gallery of Badgastein. Proc. IRPA regional congress on radiation protection, 22-27 Aug. 1999, Budapest, Hungary, in press.
Belyakov, O.V., Steinhäusler, F. and Trott, K.-R.: Chernobyl liquidators. The people and the doses. Proc. Int. Conf. IRPA-10, Hiroshima, Japan (2000): P-11-252.
Gastberger, M., Steinhäusler, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Lettner, H. and Hubmer, A.: 90Sr and 137Cs in environmental samples from Dolon near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. Health Phys. 79/3 (2000): 257-265.
Pohl-Rüling, J., Lettner, H., Hofmann, W., Haas, O.A., Obe, G., Grell-Büchtmann, I., van Buul, P.P.W., Schroeder-Kurth, T., Atzmüller, C., Sasaki, M.S., Fischer, P., Kubiak, R., Eckl, P. and Natarajan, A.T.: Chromosomal aberrations of blood lymphocytes induced in vitro by radon 222-daughter alpha irradiation. Mutat. Res. 449 (2000): 7-19.
Lettner, H., W. Hofmann, A. Schober, H. Tempfer, S. Kagerer and W. Foisner Deposition of rn-progeny on the skin of patients in underwater thermal Radon-therapy. Proc. Conf. on high levels of Nat. Rad. Munich, Sept 2000, pp 237-239.
Lettner H., Bossew P., Gastberger M. & F. Strebl (2000): RADALP: Höhenabhängigkeit der Mobilität von Cs und Sr in Böden und deren Auswirkungen auf die Landwirtschaft. Forschungsbericht Bundesländer-Kooperationsprojekt. Bundesmin.f.Wiss.und Verkehr, Wien.
Steinhäusler, W. and Wieland, P.: Risk cognition as a new communication tool for high-tech industries: comparative analysis between nuclear industry and biotechnology. Proc. Int. Conf. IRPA-10, Hiroshima, Japan (2000): P-10-172.
Steinhäusler, F., Gastberger, M., Hubmer, A.K., Spano, M., Ranaldi, R., Stronati, L. and Testa, A.: Assessment of the radiation dose due to nuclear tests for residents in areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test-site ?Polygon? (Kazakhstan). Proc. Int. Conf. IRPA-10, Hiroshima, Japan (2000): P-4b-222.
Bunn, G., Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: Strengthening global practices for protecting nuclear material from theft and sabotage. Stanford CISAC Project on Physical Protection, Proc. 42nd INNM-Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, USA, July 2001 (Proceedings published on CD-ROM).
Bunn, G. and Steinhäusler, F.: Guarding nuclear reactors and material from terrorists and thieves. Arms Control Today, Vol. 31/8 (2001): 8-12.
Bunn, G., Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: Strengthening nuclear security against terrorists and thieves requires better training. The Nonproliferation Review / Fall-Winter (2001): 137-149.
Bunn, G., Rinne, R. and Steinhäusler, F.: Strengthening global physical protection practices: gaining better information on national practices for protection of nuclear material. Proc. IAEA Int. Conf. on Security of Material: Measures to Prevent, Intercept and Respond to Illicit Uses of Nuclear Material and Radioactive Sources, Stockholm, 7-11 May 2001.
F. J. Maringer, M. G. Akis, H. Kaineder, P. Kindl, C. Kralik, H. Lettner, S. Lueginger, E. Nadschläger, W. Ringer, R. Rolle et al (2001): Results and conclusions of the Austrian radon mitigation project `SARAH´, The Science of The Total Environment, Volume 272, Issues 1-3, 14 May 2001, Pages 159-167.
H. Friedmann, C. Atzmüller, L. Breitenhuber, P. Brunner, K. Fink, K. Fritsche, W. Hofmann, H. Kaineder, P. Karacson, V. Karg, H. Lettner et al.(2001):The Austrian radon project, The Science of The Total Environment, Volume 272, Issues 1-3, 14 May 2001, Pages 211-212.
H. Lettner, R. Rolle, R. Winkler and F. Steinhäusler (2001): Rn-mitigation in a traditional Austrian farmhouse, The Science of The Total Environment, Volume 272, Issues 1-3, 14 May 2001, Pages 293-294
Gastberger M., Hubmer A., Steinhäusler F., Lettner H., Spano M., Stronati L and Testa A.(2001): Plutonium in soil from Dolon near the Semipatatinsk Nuclear Test site (2001): Radiochimica acta 2001, Vol 89/6,371-375.
Schober A., Tempfer H., Homann W., Lettner H., Untner J and F. Steger (2001): Deposition von Radonzerfallsprodukten der Haut von Versuchspersonen im Dunstbad von Badgastein. Proc. Strahlenschutz f. Mensch und Gesellschaft, ÖVS und FS, Gmunden, Östereich: 17.-21.Sept. 2001.
Steinhäusler, F., Bremer-Maerli, M. and Zaitseva, L.: Assessment of the threat from diverted radioactive material and ?orphan sources? ? an international comparison. Proc. IAEA Int. Conf. on ?Security of Material, Measures to Prevent, Intercept and Respond to Illicit Uses of Nuclear Material and Radioactive Sources?, Stockholm, May 7-11, 2001.
Steinhäusler, F., Bunn, G. and Zaitseva, L.: Civilian weapons-usable nuclear materials as a proliferation risk: what can be done? Report Int. Conference ?Nuclear Proliferation: Putting it in Context?, Wilton Park Conference Series no. 657, Steyning, UK (2001).
Tempfer H , Schober A., H. Lettner, Hofmann W., Foisner F. und F. Steger (2001):Anlagerung von Radonzerfallsprodukten auf der Haut von Patienten bei der Bädertherapie Gastein. Proc. Strahlenschutz f. Mensch und Gesellschaft, ÖVS und FS, Gmunden, Östereich: 17.-21.Sept. 2001.
Bunn, G., Braun, C. and Steinhäusler, F.: Nuclear terrorism potential: Research reactors vs power reactors? Proc. ?EU-High Level Scientific Internat. Conf. on Physical Protection: Strengthening Global Practices for Protecting Nuclear Material?, Salzburg, Austria, Sept. 2002.
Braun, C., Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: International terrorists threat to nuclear facilities. Proc. Ann. Meeting, American Nuclear Society, Washington, DC., Nov. 2002
Bunn, G., Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L.: Could terrorists or thieves get weapons usable material from research reactors and facilities? Proc. 43rd Inst. of Nuclear Materials Management Conference, Orlando, USA, June 2002.
Lettner H., Gastberger M. and A. Hubmer (2002): Long-term dynamics of Cs in dairy products in Austrian Alpine regions. Proc. Int. Conf. Ecorad 2001. Aix-en-Provence, 3-7 Sept. 2001, Radioprotection ? Colloques, Vol. 37, C1(2002), pp 433-437.
Steinhäusler, F., Braun, C., Bunn, G. and Zaitseva L.: Terrorist threats to civilian nuclear installations: A comparative assessment between Europe and the US. Proc. 43rd INMM-Annual Meeting, July, Orlando, USA (2002).
Steinhäusler, F. and Paschoa, A.S.: Comparative assessment of the European and Latin American scenarios for NORM/TENORM exposure. Proc. Int. Symp. Rio « Technologically Enhanced Natural Radiation (TENR II) », IAEA Tecdoc 1271 (2002): 70-76.
Steinhäusler, F. and Sands, A. (Eds.): International HAZMAT Working Group, Inst. of International Studies, Stanford University: WHITE PAPER: Reducing the threat from the loss of control over nuclear and other radioactive material. Report, Monterey Institute of International Studies, May 2002.
Steinhäusler, F. and Bunn, G.: Protecting nuclear material and facilities: Is a new approach needed? Proc. 46th IAEA General Conference, Scientific Forum, Sept. 2002.
Steinhäusler, F., Braun, C. and Bunn, G.: An integrated approach to adapt physical protection to the new international terrorism threats. Proc. ?EU-High Level Scientific Internat. Conf. on Physical Protection: Strengthening Global Practices for Protecting Nuclear Material?, Salzburg, Austria, Sept. 2002.
Steinhäusler, F. and Zaitseva, L: Illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials, with a focus on nuclear and radiological terrorism. Proc. Int. Conf. on Trafficking: Networks and Logistics of Transnational Crime and International Terrorism. Courmayeur Mont Blanc, Italy, 6-8 Dec. 2002.
Strebl, L., Gerzabek, M.H., Kienzl, K., Lettner H. & Bossew, P. (2002). 137Cs interactions between soil contamination and hydrosphere. IAEA TECDOC. 1314, 35-39.
Zaitseva, L. and Steinhäusler, F.: International dimension of illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material. Proc. ?EU-High Level Scientific Internat. Conf. on Physical Protection: Strengthening Global Practices for Protecting Nuclear Material?, Salzburg, Austria, Sept. 2002.
Bunn, G., Braun, C., Glaser, A., Lyman, E. and Steinhäusler, F.: Research reactor vulnerability to sabotage by terrorists. Science and Global Security. Sept.-Dec. 2003.
Lettner H., Bossew P., Strebl F., Hubmer A.K. (2003): 137Cs und 90Sr Verteilung auf Almen der Salzburger Hohen Tauern und Aktivitätskonzentrationen in Lebensmitteln. Forschungsbericht: BM Ges.und Generationen, Wien. 73pp.
Bossew P., Kagerer S., Klepsch S., Lettner H. (2003): Variabilität des Migrationsverhaltens von 137Cs als Basis für die Modellierung des Transfer in Vegetation und Nahrungsmittel. Forschungsbericht: BM Ges.und Generationen, Wien. 79pp
Steinhäusler, F.: What it takes to become a nuclear terrorist. American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 46/6 (2003): 782-795.
Zaitseva, L. and Steinhäusler, F. : Illicit trafficking of nuclear material: threat to society. Journal ?Forum on Physics & Society?, American Physical Society, Dec. 2003
Basrur, R.M. and Steinhäusler, F.: Nuclear and radiological terrorism threats for India: Risk potential and countermeasures. Journal of Physical Security, Issue 1, Vol. 1 (2004).
Lettner H., Bossew P., Stemmer M., Wilflinger Th., Hubmer A.K.H. (2004): Radioökologie im Modellgebiet Naßfeld Alm:Wechselwirkungen zwischen Radionuklidmobilität, mikrobieller Biomasse, Hydrosphäre und schmelzenden Gletschern. Forschungsbericht Umweltbundesamt , Wien 73pp.
Steinhäusler, F.: (Editor): Terrorist attacks on nuclear power plants and nuclear material transports. NATO Project SST.CLG.978964 (Classified/Confidential) (2004).
Steinhäusler, F.: Radiological impact on man and the environment from the oil and gas industry: Risk assessment for the critical group. Radiation Safety Problems in the Caspian Region (Ed.: M. Zaidi and I. Mustafaev), NATO Science Series, IV, Vol. 41 (2004): 129-134.
Zaitseva, L. and Steinhäusler, F.: Illicit trafficking of weapons-usable nuclear material: facts and uncertainties. Physics and Society Newsletter, Vol. 33/1 (2004): 5-8.
T. Wilflinger, H. Lettner, A.K. Hubmer and W. Hofmann (2005): Radiocaesium in flowing waters of highly contaminated Austrian alpine areas ? Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 83/1, 2005, Pages 75-89
Lettner H., Griesebner A., Peer Th., Hubmer A.K., Pintaric M.:Altitude dependent 137Cs Concentrations in different plant species in alpine agricultural areas. ,Journal of Environmental radioactivityVol. 86/1, 2006, Pages 12-30
Groetz J.E., Fournier F., Jacob F., Crolet J.M. and Lettner H. (2005): Simulation of Radon Transport through building materials: Influence of Water Content on Radon Exhalation Rate. Transport in Porous Media, Vol 59/2, pp. 197-214(18).
Paschoa, A.S. and Steinhäusler, F.: Orphan sources of NORM/TENORM throughout the world. Radioactivity in the Environment, Vol. 7 (2005):1017-1024.
Stemmer M., Hromatka A., Lettner H. and Strebl F. (2005): Radiocesium storage in soil microbial biomass of undisturbed alpine meadow soils and its relation to soil-plant transfer. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.79/2, pp 107-118.
Fournier F., Groetz J.E., Lettner H., Jacob F. and A. Chambaudet (2005): Study of 222Rn exhalation of phosphogypsum blocks used as building materials. Comparison with modelling. Radioactivity in the environment. Vol 7: The Natural Radiation Environment VII. pp582-589, 2005.
Lettner H., Hofmann W., Tempfer H. and A. Schober (2005): Quantification of radon-progeny deposition on the skin in underwater radon therapy. Radioactivity in the environment. Vol 7: The Natural Radiation Environment VII. pp1116-1122, 2005.
Tempfer H., Schober A., Hofmann W., Lettner H. and F. Steger (2005): Biophysical mechanisms and radiation doses in radon therapy. Radioactivity in the environment. Vol 7: The Natural Radiation Environment VII. pp640-648, 2005.
Bossew P. and H. Lettner (2005): Indoor Radon: Controlling factors, definition of the radon potential and its geographical distribution over Austria. Radioactivity in the environment. Vol 7: The Natural Radiation Environment VII. pp694-698, 2005.
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