RMLS Duties
- Routine tasks and continuous measurements
Periodic reports to the state government
More than 25.000 measurements of environmental samples and foodstuff since 1988
Periodic calibration and control measurements
- Maintaining the permanent operational readiness
Radioactivity measurements laboratory for alpha-, beta- and gamma emitter
Aerosol measurement instrumentation
- Training and further education of staff
Guest lectures
Research projects with application of new methods
- Advisory capacity for the state government bodies
Advisory service for the state government with regard to radiation protection
Membership in the Austrian Standards Institute in radiation related national standardization committees
- Scientific projects
Studies on transfer factors and transport of radionuclides
In-situ gamma-spectrometry
Radiometric measurement methods
Biological effects of radioactive radiation
Nuclear terrorism and radiological terrorism (dirty bomb)
Database on international nuclear illicit trafficking (DSTO)
- EU – Projects
EC-Project BRIDGE: Cross border measures after a large scale catastrophe
EC-Project CAST: Comparative assessment of security-centred training curricula for first responders on disaster management in the EU
CESER – Side effects of countermeasures after nuclear contamination
- Cooperation with national and international institutions, invitation of guest lecturers
Research Centre Seibersdorf / Austria
International Atomic Energy Agency / Austria
AGES / Austria
Central Research Institute for Physics / Hungary
University Seville / Spain