Practical exercises on Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is, together with infrared spectroscopy, a spectroscopic technique which has gained a lot of importance in the recent years due to its non-invasive character. Both use the vibrational spectra of molecules for the identification and characterisation of substances. Ideally after having attended courses on optical spectroscopy in the second section of the study, the UE Raman spectroscopy course is intended to give a first insight in this technique by performing some simple exercises on research grade instruments (both dispersive as well as FTIR Raman spectrometers), in order to show advantages and disadvantages of different Raman techniques. The actual samples studied are usually connected with actual research fields of the working group experimental physics. These are situated in the areas of physical chemistry of liquids, applied mineralogy (e.g. recent and fossil resins, inclusions in minerals), and botany (pigments on petals).

next lab course: (ask for details), 
Meeting Place Praktikumsraum E080

  • WEB-Links about Ramanspektroskopie:

Example for lab exercise on Raman spectroscopy

Comparison of Raman spectra of selected substances with selected spectra from literature:

Everything about Raman spectroscopy

World Wide Web sites on Raman spectroscopy:
Archive of the Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy:, Raman spectroscopy:,9076,6-0-0-0-0-home-0-0,00.html

Introduction into Raman spectroscopy:

An Introduction to Raman Spectroscopy by J.J. Laserna:,9076,6-14-9-0-0-education_dets-0-321,00.html

  • Data collections:


Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Salzburg:

Chemistry Demo:
Raman shift frequency standards:
Natural and synthetic pigments:
Anorganic compounds:
Spectral Database by Galactic Software:

Symmetry und Point Groups

Point groups , Symmetry operations, Character tables:
Character tables for chemically important point groups:
Point Groups and Bravais Lattices:

  • Spectrometers:

Dilor, Jobin-Yvon, Spex: