Mag. Dr. Julia Müllegger
Senior Lecturer
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-7371
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-161
Room: Office 2.317, Unipark Nonntal, 2nd Floor
Office hours: by appointment
Work experience
since 2022: University of Salzburg – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Educational Sciences
since 2004: Freelance educational scientist: seminars – research – educational management
Focus: Education and training in adult education with a focus on lifelong learning and education in old age
1998 – 2004: Diakonie Salzburg – Department of Internal Medicine
1995 – 1998: Christian Doppler Klinik Salzburg – Department of Psychotherapy
2013: Doctoral studies in education (Dr.phil) University of Salzburg. Dissertation in the field of educational sociology, lifelong learning and age research on the topic “Lifelong learning processes of educationally disadvantaged older women”
2007: Diploma program in Educational Sciences (Mag.phil) – University of Salzburg
2005: University course in psychotherapeutic propaedeutics – University of Salzburg
1997: Qualified psychiatric nurse – Christian Doppler Clinic Salzburg
1995: Qualified general nurse – AKH Linz
You can find an overview of the current courses on PLUSonline.