• FOR APAC International School 2023 @ PLUS
    FOR APAC International School 2023 @ PLUS © Christian Gruber (PLUS)
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @ PLUS_Prof. Kyoko Shinozaki, PhD and Colleagues
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ PLUS_Prof. Kyoko Shinozaki, PhD, and Colleagues
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @ Großglockner_ Lecture with Prof. Franz Neubauer
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Großglockner_ Lecture with Prof. Franz Neubauer
  • FOR APAC International Summer Schoo 2023 @ Vienna Music Society Golden Hall
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Vienna Music Society Golden Hall
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @ Vienna Music Society Golden Hall
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Vienna Uno City
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @Paris
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Paris
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @Venice
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Venice
  • FOR APAC International Summer School @ Workshop at PLUS
    FOR APAC International Summer School @ Workshop at PLUS

FOR APAC International Summer School was successfully held this year from 13 July 2023 to10 August 2023 in Austria, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium and France. Some impressions of the Summer School participants can be found in the feedback excerpts below:

“I regard the Summer School a precious opportunity to know about [ ] the world. The world itself is also a school, for it proffers me different dimensions to reconsider my own country and my aspiration in the future.”

Wuhan University, PR China

“The Sumer School was a truly enriching experience, both intellectually and culturally.”

Université de Polynésie Française, France

” [ ] The Summer School is one of the best learning opportunities.”

University of Bath, UK

“In the face of the current serious global development situation, Europe and China should work together to face the problems and challenges that may arise in the future with an open and inclusive attitude. Together, we can make a brighter future!”

Wuhan University, PR China