Continuous Further Development
Quality Assurance
A comprehensive and differentiated quality assurance system guarantees that you are offered high-quality language courses at the PLUS Language Centre. This includes comprehensive consultation for prospective students, a maximum number of 20 participants per course, ongoing evaluation of the courses and numerous professional development opportunities for our teachers. Exchange in language groups, coordinated by the academic staff of the Language Centre, ensures that our standards in terms of course quality and competence orientation are maintained and continuously developed. In the basic level courses, a well-established tutor system enables language teachers in training to gain important teaching experience in close cooperation with the course leaders. At the same time, the regular exchange ensures the constant further development of the didactic and methodological repertoire of our teachers. In this way, we can offer you varied and communicative language courses.

Language Courses PLUS …
Additional elements
In our library and media library you will find an extensive range of books, courses and audio and video materials for self-learning, with which you can expand your language skills. Since the academic year 2010/11, students have been able to bundle their language free electives in the form of the "Study Supplement ‘Languages". In doing so, they acquire plurilingual and pluricultural competences that enable them to use their linguistic and cultural repertoire flexibly and effectively. For the completion of the supplementary studies, proof of communicative language competences in at least two foreign languages in several areas (reception, production, interaction or mediation) is required. The MORE programme of the Language Centre is part of the uniko-initiative MORE. It is aimed at refugees who are used to learning and who wish to acquire German language skills with rapid progression.

Interface between research and practice
Research and networking
The PLUS Language Centre has been involved in research and teaching projects in the field of foreign and second language methodology for many years. The focus is on plurilingual, methodologies, the didactics of German as a second language and e-learning didactics. Innovative models and materials for adult education have been developed in cooperation with national and international partners. Cooperation with and in national and international associations offers the opportunity for exchange and networking and represents an important basis for constant further development in the field of language teaching and didactics. The close connection to research is also an important basis for the high levels of competence amongst our teaching staff.

Photographs: © Christian Gruber | Simon Haigermoser (1) | © Simon Haigermoser (2) | © Luigi Caputo (3) | © Christian Gruber | Simon Haigermoser (4)