Our projects
The Department for Research Service and Technology Transfer department is involved in the following third-party funded projects:
Current projects
- Knowledge Transfer Centre West (WTZ West) (3rd period, 2022-2024): In the WTZ West, six Universities and four Universities of Applied Sciences from Upper Austria, Salzburg and Tyrol are continuing their cooperative work within this professional network. The aim: Generating new knowledge horizons, combining potentials and putting research at the forefront. The WTZ West is supported by the aws, with funds from the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development (“Österreich-Fonds”).
- RIS Synergy (2020-2024): The consortium of research institutions and sponsors funded by the BMBWF as part of the call “Digital and social transformation in higher education” is addressing the topic of digital transformation in research based on the two sub-aspects “Interfaces and standards” and ” Research portal concept study”.
Completed projects
- Knowledge Transfer Centre West (WTZ West) (2nd period, 2019-2021): Under the umbrella of the WTZ West, six Universities and five Universities of Applied Sciences from Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg worked together in order to create new horizons of knowledge and potential and to focus even more on the subject of research. The WTZ West is funded by the aws, with funds from the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development (“Österreich-Fonds”). The University of Salzburg managed the sub-project “Kommunikations.Hub.West”.
- Knowledge Transfer Centre West (WTZ West) (1st period, 2014-2018). Funded by bmwf and bmwfj, the three regional knowledge transfer centers WTZ Ost, WTZ Süd and WTZ West were created in 2014. The University of Salzburg is part of the Knowledge Transfer Center West and was responsible for the sub-project “Begleitmaßnahmen & Awareness”.
- PLUS.Startup (2016-2018): PLUS.Startup offered an interdisciplinary educational and advisory service especially for students and graduates interested in founding a company.