You want to study abroad?

A world map consisting of thousands of connected people - 3d illustration
© Christoph Burgstedt


An exchange is not to be missed in your academic career. It increases your chances on the job market considerably, nationally and internationally. An exchange adds to the individuality of your CV, it requires independence, organisational talent, decisiveness and assertiveness. You will learn new languages, make new contacts, make intercultural experience and broaden your horizon, i.e. in terms of new fields of work. Apart from going abroad for one semester, there are several other options to gain experience abroad – for instance through internships, research stays to complete your thesis, teaching experiences at international schools and/or universities, etc. Make sure to start planning your stay abroad as soon as possible. Some programs take a year starting from the application to the actual stay, but some only a few weeks.

For information on the organisation and option, please contact:

International Relations Office
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18/2nd floor
Tel. 0662/8044-2040


ÖH Beratungszentrum
Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1 (Unipark)
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0662/8022-6001 und 6006
 ÖH Student’s Service Centre