Supported by OEAD and various Iranian research fellowships | ||
P.I.: PhD student Former PhD Researcher Researcher Researcher External collaborator | Franz Neubauer | |
Project description | Iran is part of the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt, which formed by the closure of the Proto-, Paleo- and Neo-Tethyan Oceans. Together with Panafrican basement and rift complexes, the succession of mountain building events left plutonometamorphic basement complexes, which are poorly understood. The aim of this project is, by support of Iranian PhD students, to reveal tectonic events, which led to the final construction of basement complexes. The work has also great importance to understand the formation of major ore deposits. | |
Publications | 2018 Kargaranbafghi, F., Neubauer, F., 2018. Tectonic forcing to global cooling and aridification at the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Iranian plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 171, 248–254, Badr, A., Davoudian, A. R., Shabanian, N., Azizi, H., Asahara, Y., Neubauer, F., Dong, Y., 2018. A- and I-type metagranites from the North Shahrekord Metamorphic Complex, Iran: Evidence for Early Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism. Lithos, 300–301, 86–104, 2017 Shakerardakani, F., Neubauer, F., Bernroider, M., von Quadt, A., Peytcheva, I., Liu, X., Genser, J., Monfaredi, B., Masoudi, F., 2017.Geochemical and isotopic evidence for Carboniferous rifting – mafic dykes in the central Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (Dorud-Azna, West Iran). Geologica Carpathica, 68/3, 229–247, doi: 10.1515/geoca-2017-0017. Honarmand, Li., X.-H., Nabatian, G., Neubauer, F., 2017. In-situ zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotopic constraints on the origin of the Hasan-Robat A-type granite from Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran: implications for reworking of Cadomian arc igneous rocks. Mineralogy and Petrology, 111, 659–675, DOI 10.1007/s00710-016-0490-y. Malek-Mahmoudi, F., Ali Reza Davoudian, A.R., Shabanian, N., Azizi, H., Asahara, Y., Neubauer, F., Dong, Y.P., 2017. Geochemistry of metabasites from the North Shahrekord metamorphic complex, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone: geodynamic implications for the Pan-African basement in Iran. Precambrian Research. 293, 56–72, 2016 Davoudian, A.R., Genser, J., Neubauer, F., Shabanian, N., 2016. 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages of eclogites from North Shahrekord in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone, Iran: Implications for the tectonic evolution of Zagros orogen. Gondwana Research, 37, 216–240, Honarmand, M., Omran, N. R., Neubauer, F., Nabatian, G., Emami, M. H., Bernroider, M., Liu, M., 2016. Mineral chemistry of a Cenozoic igneous complex, Urumieh – Dokhtar magmatic belt, Iran: petrological implications for plutonic rocks. Island Arc, 25, 137–153, doi: 10.1111/iar.12148. Nabatian, G., Jiang, S-Y., Honarmand, M., Neubauer, F., 2016. Zircon U–Pb ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the Tarom-Olya pluton, Alborz magmatic belt, NW Iran. Lithos, 244, 43–58. Nabatian, G., Jiang, S-Y., Honarmand, M., Neubauer, F., 2016. Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical constraints on petrogenesis of the Tarom-Olya pluton, Alborz magmatic belt, NW Iran. Lithos, 244, 1, 43–58; doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2015.11.020. 2015 Shakerardakani, F., Neubauer, F., Masoudi, F., Mehrabi, B., Liu, X., Dong, Y., Mohajjel, M., Monfaredi, B., Friedl, G., 2015. Panafrican basement and Mesozoic gabbro in the Zagros orogenic belt in the Dorud-Azna region (NW Iran): Laser-ablation ICP-MS zircon ages and geochemistry. Tectonophysics, 647–648, 146–171, Kargaranbafghi, F., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., 2015. Rapid Eocene extension in the Chapedony metamorphic core complex, Central Iran: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar dating. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106, 156–168, Kargaranbafghi, F., Neubauer, F., 2015. Lithospheric thinning associated with formation of metamorphic core complex and subsequent formation of the Iranian plateau. GSA Today, 25, 7, Kargaranbafghi, F., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., 2015. The tectonic evolution of western Central Iran seen through detrital white mica. Tectonophysics, 651–652, 138–151, Nabatian, G., Rastad, E., Neubauer, F., Honarmand, M., Ghaderi, M., 2015. Fe and Fe-Mn mineralization in Iran: Implications from Tethyan Metallogeny. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 2, 211–241, Honarmand, M., Omran, N. R., Neubauer, F., Nabatian, G., Emami, M. H., von Quadt, A., Dong, Y., Bernroider, M., 2015. Geochemistry of enclaves and host granitoids from the Kashan granitoid complex, central Iran: Implications for enclave generation by interaction of cogenetic magmas. Journal of Earth Science. 2014 Honarmand, M., Omran, N. R., Neubauer, F., Emami, M. H., Nabatian, G., Liu, X., Dong, Y., von Quadt, A., Chen, B., 2013. Laser ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of the Niyasar plutonic complex, Iran: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution. International Geology Review, 56, 104–132, Nabatian, G., Ghaderi, M., Neubauer, F., Honarmand, M., Liu, X., Dong, Y., Jiang, Y., von Quadt, A., Bernroider, M., 2014. Petrogenesis of Tarom high-potassic granitoids in the Alborz-Azarbaijan belt, Iran: Geochemical, U-Pb zircon and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic constraints. Lithos, 184-187, 324–345, Nabatian, G., Ghaderi, M., Corfu, F., Neubauer, F., Bernroider, M., Prokofiev, V., Honarmand, M., 2014. Geology, alteration, age and origin of iron oxide-apatite deposits in Upper Eocene quartz monzonite, Zanjan district, NW Iran. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 217–234, 2013 LI, W., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., REN, S., HAN, G., LIANG, C., 2013. Paleozoic evolution of the Qimantagh magmatic arcs, : constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages and implications for the subduction of the Qimantagh and Paleo-Tethyan Oceans, Eastern Kunlun Mountains: constraints from zircon dating of granitoids and modern river sands. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 77, 183–202. MASOODI, M., YASSAGHI, A., NOGOLE SADAT, M. A. A., NEUBAUER, F., BERNROIDER, M., FRIEDL, G., GENSER, J., HOUSHMANDZADEH, A., 2013. Cimmerian evolution of the Central Iranian basement: Evidence from metamorphic units of the Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone. Tectonophysics, 588, 189–208, NABATIAN, G., GHADERI, M., CORFU, F., NEUBAUER, F., BERNROIDER, M., PROKOFIEV, V., HONARMAND, M., 2013. Geology, alteration, age and origin of iron oxide-apatite deposits in UpperEocene quartz monzonite, Zanjan district, NW Iran. MineraliumDeposita. MASOODI, M., YASSAGHI, A., NOGOLE SADAT, M. A. A., NEUBAUER, F., BERNROIDER, M., FRIEDL, G., GENSER,J., HOUSHMANDZADEH, A., 2013. Cimmerian evolution of the Central Iranian basement: Evidence from metamorphic units of the Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone. Tectonophysics, 588, 189-208, KARGARANBAFGHI, F., NEUBAUER, F., GENSER, J., FAGHIH, A., KUSKY, T., 2012. Mesozoic to Eocene ductile deformation of western Central Iran: from Cimmerian collisional orogeny to Eocene exhumation. Tectonophysics, 564–565, 83–100, KARGARANBAFGHI, F., NEUBAUER, F., GENSER, J., 2011. Cenozoic kinematic evolution of southwestern Central Iran: Strain partitioning and accommodation of Arabia–Eurasia convergence. Tectonophysics, 502, 221-243, DALIRAN, F., PAAR, W.H., NEUBAUER, F., RASCHIDI, B. (2005): New Discovery of Epithermal Gold at Chahnali Prospect, Bazman Volcano, SE-Iran. In: Mao, J. &Bierlein, F. P. (eds.): Mineral deposit research: Meeting the global challenge. Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg, p.917–919. |
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