Publikationen seit 2000:
Betty Lischke, Guntram Weithoff, Stephen A. Wickham, Katrin Attermeyer, Hans-Peter Grossart, Kristin Scharnweber, Sabine HIlt, and Ursula Gaedke (2016) Large biomass of small feeders: ciliates may dominate herbivory in eutrophic lakes J. Plankton Res. 38, 2-15.
S. A. Wickham, M. Claessens and A. E. Post (2014) Ciliates, microbes and nutrients: interactions in the seasonally mixed Gulf of Aqaba. Journal of Plankton Research, 0(0): 1-14
Yan-Li Lei, K. Stumm, S. A. Wickham & U.-G. Berninger (2014) Distribution and Biomass of Benthic Ciliates, Foraminifera and Amoeboid Protists in Marine, Brackish, and Freshwater Sediments. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology: 61, 493-503
P. Hingsamer, M. Striebel, M. Stockenreiter, R. Ptacnikova, R. Ptacnik, S. A. Wickham (2013): Interaction of productivity and disturbance in a marine ciliate community: a mesocosm study. Aquat Microb Ecol, Vol. 70: 141-155
Limberger R. & Wickham S.A. (2012): Transitory versus Persistent Effects of Connectivity in Environmentally Homogeneous Metacommunities. PLOS ONE, Volume 7, Issue 8, e44555
Limberger R. & Wickham S.A. (2012): Disturbance and diversity at two spatial scales. Oecologia 168: 785-795

Limberger R. & Wickham S.A. (2011): Predator dispersal determines the effect of connectivity on prey diversity. PLOS ONE 6: e29071
Limberger R. & Wickham S.A. (2011): Competition-colonization trade-offs in a ciliate model community. Oecologia 167:723–732

Stephen A. Wickham, Ulrike Steinmair, Nina Kamennaya (2011) Ciliate distributions and forcing factors in the Amundsen and Bellinghausen Seas (Antarctic). Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Vol. 62: 215-230

Tanja Burgmer, Julia Reiss, Stephen A. Wickham, Helmut Hillebrand (2010) Effects of snail grazers and light on the benthic microbial food web in periphyton communities. Aquat Microb Ecol, 61: 163-178

Lei, Y., Stumm, K., Volkenborn, N., Wickham, S. A., Berninger U.-G. (2010) Impact of Arenicola marina (Polychaeta) on the microbial assemblages and meiobenthos in a marine intertidal flat. Mar Biol 157:1271-1282

Claessens, M., S. A. Wickham, A. F. Post, M. Reuter (2010) A paradoxon of the ciliates? High ciliate diversity in a resource-poor environment. Mar Biol 157:483-494

Lei, Yanli, K. Xu, J. K. Choi, H. P. Hong, S. A. Wickham (2009) Community structure and seasonal dynamics of plantonic ciliates along salinity gradients. European Jounal of Protistology, 45: 305-319

Wickham, S.A. and E.Gugenberger (2008) Evaluating inducible mophological defences in the common freshwater ciliate, Coleps hirtus. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 30/11:1315-1321

Claessens, M., S.A. Wickham, A.E. Post and Michel Reuter (2008) Ciliate community in the oligotrophic Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Vol.53:181-190

Rossberger M. and S. A. Wickham (2008) Ciliate vertical distribution and diel vertical migration in a eutrophic lake. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Vol. 171/1: 1-14

Wickham, S.A. and  Berninger, U.-G. (2007) Krill larvae, copepods and the microbial food web: interactions during the Antartic fall. In: Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 46, 1-13

Berninger, U.-G. and Wickham, S.A. (2005) Response of the microbial food web to manipulation of nutrients and grazers in the oligotrophic Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea. In: Marine Biology, 147, 1017-1032

Wickham, S. A., Nagel S. and Hillebrand H. (2004) The control of epibenthic ciliate communities by grazers and nutrients. In: Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 35, 153-162. 

Gaedke, U und S. A. Wickham (2004) Ciliate dynamics in response to changing biotic and abiotic conditions in a large, deep lake (L. Constance). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 34: 247-261. 

Garstecki T, und S. A. Wickham (2003) The response of benthic rhizopods to experimental sediment disturbance does not support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Oikos 103: 528-531. 

Hillebrand, H., M. Kahlert, A.-L. Karlsson, U.-G. Berninger, S. Nagel, und S. A. Wickham, (2002) Control of microbenthic communities by consumption and resource supply. Ecology 83: 2205-2219. 

Scherwass, A., S. A.. Wickham und H. Arndt (2002) Determination of the abundance of ciliates in highly turbid running waters – an improved method tested for the River Rhine. Archiv für Hydrobiologie.156:135-143. 

Sommer, U., U.-G. Berninger, R. Böttger-Schnack, A. Cornils, W. Hagen, T. Hansen, T. Al-Najjar, A. F. Post, S. B. Schnack-Schiel, H. Stibor, D. Stübing und S. A. Wickham (2002) Grazing during the spring bloom in the Gulf of Aqaba and the Northern Red Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 239:251-261. 

Garstecki, T., S. A. Wickham und H. Arndt (2002) Effects of experimental sediment disturbance and resuspension on the microbial food web of the coastal southern Baltic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 55: 751-762. 

Garstecki, T, und S. A. Wickham (2001) Effects of resuspension and mixing on population dynamics and trophic interactions in a model benthic microbial food web. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 25: 281-292. 

Adrian, R., S. A. Wickham und N. Butler (2001) Trophic interactions between the mesozooplankton and the microbial web in contrasting food webs. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 24:83-97.

Wickham, S. A , A. Gieseke und U.-G. Berninger (2000) Benthic ciliate identification and enumeration: an improved methodology and its application. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22:79-91. 

Garstecki, T., R. Verhoeven, S. A. Wickham und H. Arndt (2000) Benthic-pelagic coupling: a comparison of the community structure of benthic and planktonic heterotrophic protists in shallow inlets of the Southern Baltic. Freshwater Biology 45:147-168.