Analyzing and supporting Inquiry-based learning in Science Education

Sujet DSP


The DSP is dedicated to establish and to enhance inquiry learning within school. Based on known problems and obstacles in science education like development of basic scientific skills, low competence in scientific research and possible misconception/inadequate epistemological beliefs involved research projects are dedicated to overcome these burdens. A systematic quantitative and experimental analysis of different aspects of inquiry learning is here essential.
Also referring to qualitative approaches, a major aim is quantitative experimental research on cognitive, motivational and affective variables of learners during inquiry-based learning.

  • Major research questions focus on your basic aspects of students’ research competences:
  • Implementation of inquiry learning in schools (cognitive domain)
  • change of epistemological beliefs (metacognitive domain)
  • enhancing the effectiveness of inquiry learning with instructional scaffolds (cognitive and metacognitive domain)
  • interaction of motivational and affective parameters in inquiry learning