– Monograph:
- Emergence of Modality in Late Medieval Song: The Cases of Du Fay and Binchois (Salzburger Stier, 8): Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann (2013).
– Articles and Reviews:
- “Melodic and Formal Peculiarities of Monophonic chansons around 1500 and Related Polyphonic Settings”, accepted for Polifonie;
- “Early Venetian Opera and Contemporary Narrative: Parallels, Discrepancies and a Case Study”, accepted for Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music;
- “Zwischen vitio privato und pubblica virtù. Parallele zwischen den Novellen und den drammi per musica von Maiolino Bisaccioni (1582-1663)”, accepted for the congress report Musikwissenschaft nach Beethoven;
- “li natal di Amore by Giulio Strozzi: Interactions and Echoes with the Early Modern Literary and Operatic World and Monteverdi”, The Seventeenth Century (2024), pp. 1-34;
- “Die Opern Antonio Caldaras für den Garten der Wiener »Favorita«: Interaktionen zwischen Bühnenbildern, Drama und Musik”, in: “Der Garten als Szenerie und Klangraum. Musiktheaterbühne und Gartenanlagen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert”, ed. by Helena Langewitz, Musiktheorie. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 3 (2024), pp. 255-69;
- “Französische chansons in deutschen Musikdrucken (1500-1550): Eine historisce und kulturelle Kontextualisierung”, in: Geselliger Sang: Poetik und Praxis des deutschen Liebesliedes im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Frühe Neuzeit. Studien und Dokumente zur deutschen Literatur und Kultur im europäischen Kontext, 255), ed. by Cordula Kropik and Stefan Rosmer, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (2024), pp. 259-315;
- “A Network of Monophonic and Polyphonic Songs around 1500”, in Musical Interactions, ed. by Alessandra Ignesti, et al., forthcoming for Brepols (Épitome musical);
- “Les manuscrits BnF fr. 12744 (A) et 9346 (Manuscrit de Bayeux) (B) : deux chansonniers monodiques entre moyen âge et Renaissance”, in: Poésie et Musique au temps de Louis XII , ed. by Adéline Desbois-Ientile and Alice Tacaille, (« Colloques, congrès et conférences sur la Renaissance européenne » ; « Rencontres »), Paris: Classiques Garnier (2023), pp. 67-103;
- “L’amour de moy si est enclose: Pierre de la Rue’s Isolated Credo in the Context of the Song’s Transmission”, forthcoming for Brepols;
- “Opere veneziane per scene non veneziane: tra censura e assimilazione”, in: Kreativität im Schnittpunkt der Observanzen / Creatività e osservanza. Italienische Literatur um 1600 zwischen Gegenreformation und Regelpoetik / Letteratura italiana del Seicenti tra Controriforma e normatività poetica, ed. Maddalena Fingerle and Florian Mehltretter (Vigilanzkulturen / Cultures of Vigilance, 7), Berlin: de Gruyter (2023), pp. 207-35;
- “Giulio Strozzi (1583-1652): drammaturgo, poeta, librettista e… libertino”, Lettere Italiane, 75/1 (2023), pp. 10-26;
- “Intra quaternarii limites musicam intelligent omnem consonantiam (De monade, numero et figura, 1591): la musica nel pensiero di Giordano Bruno”, in: Music and Science from Leonardo to Galileo, ed. by Rudolf Rasch (Music, Science and Technology, 5), Turnhout: Brepols (2022) pp. 73-87;
- “Three Libri missarum of Early Lutheran Germany: Some Reflections on their Repertory”, in: Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe, ed. by Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl and Grantley McDonald (Music and Material Culture), London & New York: Routledge (2021), pp. 133-48;
- “Espérance or: New Insights into the Origins of the Chansonnier de Bayeux“, Musicologica Austriaca (2021);
- “Sänger-Komponisten rücken in repräsentative Staatsämter auf – Johannes Ockeghem und die Hofkapellen des 15. Jahrhunderts“, in: Musik und Gesellschaft. Marktplätze · Kampfzonen · Elysium, ed. by Frieder Reininghaus, Judith Kemp and Alexandra Ziane, 2 vols., Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann (2020), I, pp. 171-73;
- “Caught in the Web of Texts: The Chanson Family Bon vin/Bon temps and the Disputed Identity of ‘Gaspart’”, in: Gaspar van Weerbeke: New Perspectives on his Life and Music, ed. by Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl & Paul L. Kolb, Turnhout: Brepols (2019), pp. 255-80;
- “Ferrante Pallavicino’s Venetian Years and Opera: A Thwarted Connection?”, The Seventeenth Century (2019), pp. 1-17;
- “ La fille qui n’a point d’amy: Secular and Ecclesiastical Friends of an Abandoned Girl”, Journal of the Alamire Foundation, 10/2 (2018), pp. 207-35;
- “Caspar Glanners Liedersammlungen (1578 & 1580): Ein retrospektives Repertoire?”, Die Musikforschung 3 (2018), pp. 221-41;
- “Zu Stil und Form einstimmiger Melodien um 1500 – Einige Fälle in den Pariser monophonen Chansonniers”, in: Creatio ex unisono: Einstimmige Musik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, ed. by Nicole Schwindt (troja, Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik, 13), 2017 for 2014, pp. 81-103;
- Review of Astrid Opitz, Modus in den Chansons von Binchois (Saarbrücker Studien zur Musikwissenschaft 18), Sinzig: Studio Verlag (2015), Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, 13/1 (2016), pp. 151-5;
- “Gentilz gallans de France: The Vicissitudes of a French War Song between Brittany and Rome”, Musica Disciplina, 59, (2016 for 2014), pp. 7-51;
- “Oper, Politik und Philosophie in der Serenissima des 17. Jahrhunderts und ihre internationalen Vernetzungen”, in: Von Venedig nach Salzburg. Spurenlese eines vielschichtigen Transfers (Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsplattform „Salzburger Musikgeschichte“ 3), ed. by Gerhard Ammerer, Ingonda Hannesschläger & Thomas Hochradner, Vienna: Hollitzer (2015), pp. 184-200;
- “Musik in den Werken Giordano Brunos: Eine erste Erkundung”, Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 72/2 (2015), pp. 77-98;
- “Mal mariées, Adulterers and Lovers in Late Fifteenth-Century Song: A Cultural and Social Perspective”, Revue Belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, 68 (2014), pp. 43-74;
- “Johannes Brassart und Kaiser Sigismund: Versuch nach einer historischen Kontextualisierung anhand der Introiten”, in: Music and Culture in the Age of the Council of Basel (Collection „Épitome musical“), ed. by Matteo Nanni, Turnhout: Brepols (2013), pp. 269-84;
- Report on the symposium “Arbeit am musikalischen Werk. Zur Dynamik künstlerischen Handelns”, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, 66/3 (2011), pp. 69-70;
- “Musica ficta Usage: Old Questions and a Reappraisal”, Studi Musicali, 2010/1, pp. 53-78;
- “Analisi modale, polifonia e teoria musicale tardo-medievale: un approccio storico critico”, Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, 42/1 (2007), pp. 3-39;
- Critical review of Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, The Modern Invention of Medieval Music: Scholarship, Ideology, Performance, Il Saggiatore Musicale, 14/2 (2007) pp. 405-12;
- “Modal Usage in Fifteenth-Century Secular Polyphony”, in: Music and the Arts: Proceedings from ICMS 7, (Acta Semiotica Fennica, 23; Approaches to Musical Semiotics, 10), 2 vols., ed. by Eero Tarasti et al. Helsinki (2006), 2, pp. 899-914;
- “Tant que mon/nostre argent dura: Die Überlieferung und Bearbeitung einer ‘populären’ Melodie in fünf mehrstimmigen Sätzen”, Acta musicologica 77/2 (2005), pp. 205-29;
- “Modal Usage in the Secular Works of Du Fay”, Revue Belge de Musicologie, 59 (2005), pp. 5-42;
- “Modalità e Polifonia: una discussione critica dei più recenti approcci di ricerca”, Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, 34/1 (2004), pp. 173-98;
- “Strutture matematiche nei mottetti isoritmici di Dufay”, Musica & Storia, 7/1 (1999), pp. 59-76.
– Translations:
- Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl & Agnese Pavanello, Introduction to the Critical Edition of Gaspar van Weerbeke’s Complete Works, published by the American Institute of Musicology (translated from the Italian);
- Oliver Huck & Julia Gehring, “La notazione ‘italiana’ del Trecento”, Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, 34/2 (2004), pp. 235-70 (translated from the German).
– Others:
- Regular contributor to Medioevo Musicale / Music in the Middle Ages. Bollettino bibliografico della musica medievale / Mediaeval Music Bibliographical Bulletin, dir. Maria Sofia Lannutti, Florence: Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini (2007- )
– Websites:
- https://chansonmelodies-sbg-ac.eu/db/welcome.php: in connection to the FWF projects “Borrowing and Citation of Monophonic Secular Tunes in Late 15th-Century Song”, P 22365-G18 and “Borrowing and Citation of Monophonic Melodies in Secular and Sacred Polyphony around 1500”, P 27257-G18;
- https://operaincogniti.org/: in connection to the FWF project “Early Venetian Opera and Incogniti Literature”, P 31859-G
– Articles and Essays in Preparation:
- “Il germanico Marte by Antonio Caldara: An ‘Arminio’ Opera and Its Tradition”;
- “Music and Esoteric Culture between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century: A New Interpretation of Josquin’s Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae“.
– Monographs in Preparation:
- Frühe venezianische Oper und Literatur der „Accademia degli Incogniti“: Thematische und strukturelle Überschneidungen im Schatten ‚libertinen‘ Denkens, for Peter Lang –> Habilitation;
- The Chansonnier de Bayeux: An Early 16th-Century Monophonic Source and Its Polyphonic Relatives, for Brepols