Informatics, Applied Image and Signal Processing and Human-Computer Interaction
Bachelor’s Degree Programme
Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics
- Curriculum Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics 2016 (german version)
- List of finished courses: Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics Curriculum 2016 (german version)
- Guideline for completion of studies: Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics (June 2023 – german version)
- Guideline for recognition: Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics (Curriculum 2016 – german version)
- Curriculum Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics 2022 (german version)
- List of finished courses: Bachelor’s Degree Programme Informatics Curriculum 2022 (german version)
Master’s Degree Programmes
Master’s Degree Programme Informatics:
- Curriculum Master’s Degree Programme Informatics 2016 (german version)
- List of finished courses: Master’s Degree Programme Informatics 2016 (german version)
- Guideline Completion of Studies and PAAV
- Guideline for recognition Master’s Degree Programme Informatics (Curriculum 2016 – german version)
242. Anerkennungsverordnung Masterstudium Informatik – Curriculum 2016 der Universität Salzburg; Druckfehlerberichtigung (german version)In der Anerkennungsverordnung Masterstudium Informatik – Curriulum 2016 der Universität Salzburg, verlautbart im Mitteilungsblatt Nr. 215 am 7. Juli 2016, hat auf Seite 2 die Präambel richtig zu lauten: „Ergänzend zu den bisher angeführten Anerkennungen werden abweichende Prüfungen gemäß dem Masterstudium Informatik, Curriculum 2015, aufgrund folgender Tabelle für Prüfungen des Masterstudiums Informatik (Curriculum 2016) anerkannt.“
Master’s Degree Programme Applied Image and Signal Processing:
- Curriculum Master’s Degree Programme JDM Applied Image and Signal Processing 2021 (german version)
- Guideline Completion of Studies and PAAV
- List of finished courses / Prüfungspass JDM AISP – Please enclose all transcripts of records from SUAS
Master’s Degree Programme Human-Computer Interaction:
- Curriculum Joint Master’s Degree Programme in Human-Computer Interaction 2019
- List of finished courses / Prüfungspass Master HCI – Please attach all the Transcripts of Records from the SUAS when you submit the List of finished courses / Prüfungspass!
- Announcement of Examiners for Masters Exam
- Master Thesis and Exam Guidelines Master’s Programme HCI – February 2024
- Guideline Title Page Master Thesis HCI
Further important information
- Theses – Guideline Printcenter of the University of Salzburg
- Guideline for Course Recognition for Curricula 2016
- Guideline for Course Achievement (FH Salzburg) for curricula starting from 2016W – PLUSonline 3.0
Responsible Administrator Bachelor and Master Informatics: Ms Katharina Pfeiffer
Responsible Administrator Master Applied Image and Signal Processing: Ms Deborah Neureiter
Responsible Administrator Human-Computer Interaction: das.pruefungsreferat