Host-plant finding and recognition in oligolectic bees
Main collaboration partners:
Prof. Dr. Manfred Ayasse ,
Prof. Dr. Hannah Burger, Dr. Paulo Milet-Pinheiro
Brandt, K; Dötterl, S; Francke, W; Ayasse, M; Milet-Pinheiro, P: Flower visitors of
Campanula: are oligoleges more sensitive to host-specific floral scents than polyleges? Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43, 4-12 (2017)
Milet-Pinheiro, P; Herz, K; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Host choice in a bivoltine bee: how sensory constraints shape innate foraging behaviors. BMC Ecology, 16:20 (2016)
Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Dötterl, S: Visual and olfactory floral cues of
Campanula (Campanulaceae) and their significance for host recognition by an oligolectic bee pollinator. PLOS ONE 10(6): e0128577. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128577 (2015)
Schäffler, I; Steiner, KE; Haid, M; van Berkel, SS; Gerlach, G; Johnson, SD; Wessjohann, L; Dötterl, S: Diacetin, a reliable cue and private communication channel in a specialized pollination system. Scientific Reports 5, 12779: doi:10.1038/srep12779 (2015)
Carvalho, AT; Dötterl, S; Schlindwein, C: An aromatic volatile attracts oligolectic bee pollinators in an interdependent bee-plant relationship. Journal of Chemical Ecology,40, 1126-1134 (2014)
Burger, H; Ayasse, M; Dötterl, S; Kreissl, S; Galizia, CG: Perception of floral volatiles involved in host-plant finding behaviour: comparison of a bee specialist and generalist, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 199, 751-761 (2013)
Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Dobson, HEM; Schlindwein, C; Francke, W: Dötterl, S: The chemical basis of host-plant recognition in a specialized pollinator, Journal of Chemcal Ecology, 39, 1347-1360 (2013)
Dötterl, S: Wie Blumen sprechen: das Ölblume-Ölbiene-Bestäubungssystem, In: Die Vielfalt des Lebens edited by E. Beck. Wiley-VHC Verlag & Co. KGaA. (2013)
Burger, H; Dötterl, S; Häberlein, CM; Schulz, S; Ayasse, M: An arthropod deterrent attracts specialised bees to their host plants, Oecologia, 168, 727–736 (2012)
Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Schlindwein, C; Dobson, HEM; Dötterl, S: Host location by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee: innate and learned behavior, Behavioral Ecology, 23, 531-538 (2012)
Schäffler, I; Balao, F; Dötterl, S: Floral and vegetative cues in oil and non-oil secreting Lysimachiaspecies, Annals of Botany, 110, 125-138 (2012)
Dötterl, S; Milchreit, K; Schäffler, I: Behavioural plasticity and sex differences in host finding of a specialized bee species, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197, 1119-1126 (2011)
Schäffler, I; Dötterl, S: A day in the life of an oil bee: Phenology, nesting & foraging behavior, Apidologie, 42, 409-424 (2011)
Steiner, KE; Kaiser, R; Dötterl, S: Strong phylogenetic effects on floral scent variation of oil-secreting orchids in South Africa, American Journal of Botany, 98, 1663-1679 (2011)
Burger, H; Ayasse, M; Häberlein, CM; Schulz, S; Dötterl, S:
Echium and
Pontechium specific floral cues for host-plant recognition by the oligolectic bee
Hoplitis adunca, South African Journal of Botany, 76, 788-795 (2010)
Burger, H; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Host-plant finding and recognition by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee, Functional Ecology, 24, 1234-1240 (2010)
Dötterl, S; Vereecken, NJ: The chemical ecology and evolution of bee-flower interactions: a review and perspectives, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88, 668-697 (2010)
Burger, H;Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Importance of olfactory and visual cues of
Echium for host-plant finding of the oligolectic bee
Osmia adunca (Megachilidae)., Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie, 16, 163-166 (2008)
Dötterl, S: Antennal responses of an oligolectic bee and its cleptoparasite to plant volatiles, Plant Signaling & Behavior , 3(5), 296-297 (2008)
Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I: Flower scent of floral-oil producing
Lysimachia punctata as cue for the oil-bee Macropis fulvipes, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33, 441-445 (2007)
Dötterl, S; Füssel, Ulrike; Jürgens, A; Aas, G: 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene, a floral scent compound in willows that attracts an oligolectic bee, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 31(12), 2993-2998 (2005)