
Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School ONLINE – open for PLUS students

Dear Students!

This year, due to the worldwide pandemic situation we have decided to offer an online version of our Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School.

Since we still have a few places available, we would like to inform you, the students of our PLUS, about this offer and give you the opportunity to participate in the summer school to get a deeper understanding of the EU countries, their history, their economy, some of their cultural particularities, their relations to China, to (digitally) get in touch with Chinese students and to exchange ideas with Professors from all over the EU.

For PLUS students, the program fees amount to 250,- EURO (in contrast to the general costs which amount to 500,- EURO)

The application deadline for you will be the 31st of May 2021.

The payment deadline will be the 15th of June 2021.

You can use the following link for the online application:

Please find the (original) announcement of the Summer School here.


Mag.a Judith Suchanek



Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 3901

E-Mail an Mag.a Judith Suchanek

Foto: © Chinazentrum