Dual Career Service at the University of Salzburg

Dual Career Service supports newly hired professors and their partners in the hiring process so that also the partner can continue his or her professional career after moving to Salzburg from abroad. This orientation covers both professional and personal matters.

Target group

Professors (§ 98 and 99 Universities Act 2002) in the hiring process and their partner.


Dual Career Service is available for a maximum period of 12 months, starting at the earliest with the beginning of the negotiation processs and ending at the latest 12 months after work begin.

Fields of Activity

The main activities of the Dual Career Service are information and support concerning the career of the partner of a professor in the hiring process. Potential employers are the University of Salzburg itself but also other Austrian universities and Universities of Applied Sciences as well as Austrian and international companies in the region.
We also provide information about reintegration into the labor market, new career paths and continuing education. Other topics for discussion in the hiring process include housing, childcare, school, social integration, etc.
In this process we cooperate with internal and external partners.

What we do not do

Dual Career Service cannot guarantee a job for the partner. There is also no guarantee for the availability of suitable housing or adequate childcare.

The Universities of Innsbruck, Linz and Salzburg cooperate in the regional network Dual Career Services Upper Austria – Salzburg – Tyrol. The network was established in 2017 and is open to new members. This informal cooperation should lead to higher efficiency and better services.

 Dual Career Service at the Universität Innsbruck:  Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
 Dual Career Service at the Universität Linz:             Logo University of Linz

 Austrian Network for Dual Career                        https://www.uibk.ac.at/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/eb/c8/ebc81425-9d93-4d23-add0-7e25b06b5389/adcn.jpg__992.0x209.0762331838565_q85_crop_subsampling-2.jpg