Service for Executives

Academic Leadership+
Taking up a management position entails leading staff and students in an effective way in order to achieve good results. Leadership covers both professional and personal aspects.

Performance Review
Daily communication with each other is indispensible for functioning work processes. However, it is just as important to meet in regular intervals to reflect together on work processes, development perspectives or forms of cooperation.

and Mediation
Coaching is the face-to-face processing and reflection of personal job-related problems with the help of a coach. Executives get feedback and advice in order to work effectively, sustanably and with greater work satisfaction.

New Staff
Direct supervisors play a key role in the integration of new staff. Checklists are used to support this process and contribute to the successful onboarding of new staff.
Pictures: (1, 4) © L. Caputo / PLUS | (3) Pixabay | (2) © D. Werndl / PLUS