Supplementary Courses & Minor – “Gender, Diversity & Equality” (GDE)

Gender equality is not only one of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations but constitutes the base of all other goals. Without gender equality, a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future is out of reach. Nonetheless, this goal remains unachieved. To understand and overcome the barriers to persisting inequalities between genders, interconnected knowledge and transdisciplinary thinking is key.

The cross-faculty „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“- modules support students of all disciplines in developing a broad but differentiated understanding of the interplay of gender, power, and inequality. Students do not only gain theoretical and empirical insights into the challenges to and consequences of gender equality, equal opportunities, and inclusion but also acquire practical knowledge that helps promoting equality and diversity in all spheres of life. Gathering knowledge attained in various courses of the GDE cross-faculty course offer, students can acquire a certified additional qualification as part of their elective study program.

The „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“- program comprises research-based teaching of the digital, social, and natural sciences as well as theology, law, and cultural studies. The broad spectrum of courses offered encourages a critical view on gendered differences, gender identities, and role models. Highlighting other structural categories of discrimination (e.g., race, ethnicity, sexual orientation) the teaching opens the view to the challenges of intersectionality.


The Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (GDE)- modules offer different perspectives on diversity, antidiscrimination, and equal opportunities. Research-based cross-faculty courses:

  • foster a basic understanding of both the historical and current discourse of intersectional gender research
  • raise awareness for different forms of inequality on the individual but also the structural level as well as their interplay
  • facilitate the ability to critically evaluate gender relations
  • enable students to reflect and adapt behaviors that reproduce unequal power relations and hierarchies


The study offer „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ consists of three modules that build upon one another: the Basic Module (12 ECTS), the Supplementary Study Programme (24 ECTS), and the Specialisation Programme (36 ECTS). The bundling of courses from various research areas allows students to develop a nuanced view of the discourses surrounding gender, diversity, and (in-)equality. 

The „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“- program thus offers courses tailored to Bachelor, Master, Diploma and Doctoral students of all faculties and can be attended by students of all faculties likewise. Please keep in mind that only courses that are not part of the obligatory (elective) study programme students are enrolled in can be considered for certification.

Basic Module „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (12 ECTS-Punkte)

Courses in the basic module provide the foundations of gender studies and introduce the basic terms, theories, and methods that form the backbone for further investigations of the discourses on gender, diversity, and inequality.

Basic Module „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (12 ECTS)

  • At least one introductory lecture (see below) – 3 ECTS
  • Courses of the cross-faculty GDE-program – 9 ECTS

Total – 12 ECTS

 Supplementary Study Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (24 ECTS)

The Supplementary Study Programme builds upon the basic module and extends the knowledge acquired. The specific issues that intersectional women and gender studies revolve around, are discussed from various points of view. Complementarily, students can choose to complete an internship in an organization that focuses on women, gender, diversity, or equality. For the approval of your internship position consult the „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ coordinator (beforehand.

 Supplementary Study Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (24 ECTS)

  • Requirements: Basic module „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ – 12 ECTS
  • Courses of the cross-faculty GDE-program and internship (if desired; max. 6 ECTS) – 12 ECTS

Total – 24 ECTS

Specialisation Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (36 ECTS)

The Specialisation Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“  further deepens the knowledge acquired in the Supplementary Study Programme and offers complementary perspectives on ongoing discourses around gender. To obtain the minor certificate, students have to complete additional GDE-courses of a total of 12 ECTS.

Specialisation Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (36 ECTS)

  • Requirements: Basic module „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ – 12 ECTS
  • Requirements: Supplementary study program  – 12 ECTS
  • Courses of the cross-faculty GDE-program – 12 ECTS

Total – 36 ECTS


Having completed the required courses, students can request the following certificates:

  • Basic module „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“: after acquiring 12 ECTS
  • Supplementary Study Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“ (supplementary study program): after acquiring the Basic module and the Advanced module, adding up to 24 ECTS
  • Specialisation Programme „Gender, Diversity, and Equality“: after acquiring the Basic module, the Supplementary Study Programme, and the Specialisation Programme courses adding up to 36 ECTS


To receive the corresponding certificate, send the following documents to by the 20th of each month. 

  • Examination pass (linked forms)
  • Transcripts of record collected in one PDF file
  • If you want to receive credit for a course that is not listed below, please include the official course description including syllabus in your mail attachment.

Given the documents are complete, you will receive the corresponding certificate at the beginning of the following month.

Important: Please keep in mind that only courses that are not part of your obligatory (elective) study program can be considered for certification.


The GDE-modules are coordinated by the Professorship for Politics and Gender, Diversity and Equality of the PLUS and is supported by the Interdisciplinary Commission for Gender Studies (IER). For inquiries, please contact

Course Offerings for the Academic Year 2023-2024


Political Science



Course offerings of the Professorship for Gender 

Course offerings GDE Guest Professorship

External courses in GDE

Classical studies


Educational Science

German studiea


Communication studies




Sociology and Human Geography


GDE Courses in English 2023-2024

Winter Semester 2023-2024

Summer Semester 2024