
Course Duration / ECTS 8 semesters / 240 ECTS
University degree Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Faculty Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences
Department Slavonic Studies
Mode Full time
Study ID 426
Admission Requirements Matura or school leaving certificate (e.g., Abitur (GER), GCE levels (UK), Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre (F), Titulo de Bachiller (E), Attestat (RSF)), which is comparable in length and quality to the Austrian Matura.
Language of instruction German  Proof of language proficiency

What will I learn?

The teacher training programme for the subject of Russian is divided into a BEd degree programme (8 semesters) and a MEd degree programme (4 semesters). Due to the combination of academic and scientific teaching and several teaching practices, future teachers are excellently prepared to teach Russian at Austrian schools. Students need no prior knowledge of Russian to enrol on the programme. The BEd programme focuses on the relations between language acquisition, specialities (literary studies and linguistics as well as interdisciplinary approaches to literary and cultural studies) and the ‘Fachdidaktik’ (teaching methodology) of the Russian language.

Which career opportunities do I have?

The BEd teacher training programme for the subject of Russian prepares students for teaching Russian at secondary schools.

Why Salzburg?

The teacher training programme for the subject of Russian is offered at the University of Salzburg as a part of the ‘Cluster Mitte’. We offer our students ideal conditions and arrange attractive opportunities for summer courses, semesters abroad and work placements. The department and its students’ union (StV) offer a vibrant cultural and social programme. Every year, led by a professional director our students rehearse a Russian play, which they perform in its original language at stages in Salzburg and Vienna. Further diversions from everyday student life include cooking and film nights as well as ‘Slavistikfeste’ (student parties). Students can practice their language skills in various discussion groups and language tandems with native speakers.

How is the course structured?

Teacher Training Programme Subject Russian
STEOP (Introductory and Orientation Phase)2 ECTS
Language Acquisition45 ECTS
Linguistics8 ECTS
Literary Studies9 ECTS
‘Fachdidaktik’ & networked modules27 ECTS
Bachelor’s examination & language competence examination3 ECTS
Bachelor’s thesis3 ECTS
Total97 ECTS


Dr. Julia Hargassner

Dr. Julia Hargassner
Postdoc / Subject Didactics Russian

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044-4520
Fax.: +43 662 8044-160