Lekklar C, Chadchawan S, Boon-Long P, Pfeiffer W, Chaidee A (2019) Salt stress in rice: Multivariate analysis separates four components of beneficial silicon action. Protoplasma 256:331-347
Adams TF, Wongchai C, Chaidee A, Pfeiffer W (2016) “Singing in the Tube” – audiovisual assay of plant oil repellent activity against mosquitoes (Culex pipiens). Parasitol Res 115:225-239
Wongchai C, Chaidee A, Pfeiffer W (2013) Enhancement and quantification of repellent activity in Chenopodium cells Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7: 69-82.
Wongchai C, Chaidee A, Pfeiffer W (2012) Multivariate analyses of salt stress and metabolite sensing in auto- and heterotroph Chenopodium cell suspensions. Plant Biol 14:129-141.
Chaidee A, Foissner I, Pfeiffer W (2008) Cell-specific association of heat shock-induced proton flux with actin ring formation in Chenopodium cells: comparison of auto- and heterotroph cultures. Protoplasma 234: 33-50.
Chaidee A, Wongchai C, Pfeiffer W (2008) Extracellular alkaline phosphatase is a sensitive marker for cellular stimulation and exocytosis in heterotroph cell cultures of Chenopodium rubrum. J Plant Physiol 165: 1655-1666.
Chaidee A, Pfeiffer W (2006) Parameters for cellular viability and membrane function in Chenopodium cells show a specific response of extracellular pH to heat shock with extreme Q10. Plant Biol 8: 42-51.
Pfeiffer W, Hoeftberger M (2001) Oxidative burst in Chenopodium rubrum suspension cells: Induction by auxin and osmotic changes. Physiol Plant 111: 144-150.
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Pfeiffer W (1998) Differential energization of the tonoplast in suspension cells and seedlings from Picea abies. Trees Struct Funct 13: 112-116.
Pfeiffer W (1998) Expression and low pH increase the activity of an apoplastic acid phosphatase in growing tissues from Zea mays. Physiol Plant 102:111-118.
Pfeiffer W (1996) Auxin induces exocytosis of acid phosphatase in coleoptiles from Zea mays. Physiol Plant 98: 773-779.
Pfeiffer W (1995) Effects of W-7, W-5, Verapamil and Diltiazem on vacuolar proton transport. Comparison of vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-PPase from roots of Zea mays. Physiol Plant 94: 284-290.
Pfeiffer W, Hager A (1993) A Ca2+ ATPase and a Mg2+/ H+ antiporter are present on tonoplast membranes from roots of Zea mays L. Planta 191: 377-385.
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