
Links to our collaboration partners

The biotech company Biomay is our industrial partner.

The  Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring (MD, USA) and the Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg (Germany) are our collaboration partners concerning the vaccine development against the infectious diseases malaria and leishmaniasis.

Together with researchers of the National Cancer Institute of the NIH,  Bethesda (MD, USA) we produced the first mini-gene vaccine against the Ras oncogene. At present the collarboration is focused on the development and optimization of DNA replicon vaccines against type I allergy.

In collaboration with the Biomedical Research Center of  Baxter,  Vienna (Austria) we succeeded to develop a gene vaccine against borreliosis.

Investigation of the retinoic acid receptors as inducible transcription factors and their role in immune responses was the topic of our collaboration with the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology of the Slovak Academie of Science, Bratislava (Slovak Republic).

We are bound up since years with researchers of the Institute of  Pathophysiology of the University of Vienna and the newly granted Christian Doppler Laboratory  for Allergy Reseach, Vienna. The collaboration is focused on the investigation of novel therapeutic approaches and molecules for specific immunotherapy (SIT) of type I allergy.

Effective non-parenteral injection modes for gene vaccines and recombinant protein vaccines are the goal of our joint research projects with the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics of the University of Vienna and the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Innsbruck (Austria).

General Links

Abbildung 288325.JPG is the international Website for Genetic Immunization.