Sarah Wagner

Sarah Wagner
MSc Student

Department of Environment & Biodiversity – University of Salzburg
Hellbrunner Straße 34, A-5020


The fascination for life began very early in my lifetime. I was always drawn to any form of wildlife and animals. As I grew older my interest expanded also into the area of protecting the environment, especially in times of global changes. My bachelor thesis was about the altitudinal shift of butterfly species due to the influence of climate change. I find it fascinating how ecosystems work and I like to learn about new connections between and within communities. As an active member in the animal rescue in Salzburg I help in case of emergency to avoid and reduce any kind of pain for the animals.

In my future career I would like to help improve the lifestyle of animate beings and support nature conservation projects. In my master thesis Alpine insect communities – Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg) I investigated connections between environmental parameters and the presence of arthropods, as well as the connection between said parameters and the food availability which could influence bat occurrences in a high alpine region. This study aimed to provide insights into the complex ecosystem of the alps. The results showed how temperature as well as relative air humidity played an important role for invertebrates found at these elevations. The arthropod community composition depended on the sampling period (influenced by weather phenomena) and on the respective trap systems. A higher number of hunting bats (specifically Eptesicus nilssonii) could be observed with a higher abundance of dipterans and nocturnal lepidopterans.

Currently, I am working on establishing a certificate for deepening the species knowledge of Salzburg’s fauna among Citizens and students. A second project is about aquatic insect larvae populations in water-filled tree holes (ConnectPlus – Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg). The project aims to find out about the influence of connectivity between forest patches inside and outside of the National Parks Gesäuse and Kalkalpen on these communities.


 Curriculum Vitae

Since October 2024
Project management ConnectPLUS, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.

Since September 2024
Management Animal-Ecology-Certificate Salzburg, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.

September – November 2024
Team member of the (meadow) bird monitoring project „Wiesenvogelprojekt“, Department of Ornithology, Haus der Natur Salzburg (Museum House of Nature Salzburg), Austria.

May 2024
Internship federal state government “Land Salzburg”, Department 5/06 Nature Conservation Basics and Expert Service

October 2023 – April 2024
Project team member ConnectPLUS, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.

Since June 2023
Working Group Community Ecology, AG Petermann, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.

August 2024
Master‘s thesis “Temporal occurrence and abundance of arthropods at the mountain top Hoher Sonnblick at 3100 m.a.s.l.”.

2022 – September 2024
M.Sc. Ecology and Evolution, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.

Training Patisserie, Cafe Tomaselli GmbH, Salzburg, Austria.

August 2020
Bachelor‘s thesis “Shift in the altitudinal distribution of Lepidoptera species due to climate change in the federal state of Salzburg (Austria)”

August 2019
Internship on an experiential farm “Erlebnisbauernhof Grödig”, Grödig, Austria.

November 2016 – September 2017
Lab-Assistant at the Veterinary Clinic “Polivet Tierärzteteam Karasek GmbH”, Obertrum am See, Austria.

October 2016
Veterinary Internship at the animal clinic “Polivet Tierärzteteam Karasek GmbH”, Obertrum am See, Austria.

September 2016
Internship at animal rescue center “Tierschutzverein Freilassing u.U. e.V.”, Germany.

2016 – 2020
B.Sc. Biology, Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria. With specialization in ecology.

Memberships/ Citizen Science Projects/ additional qualifications: Monitoring of wintering birds (banding), City Nature Challenge, IMPA Project Management Level D, Animal Rescue, Malacological Working Group, …