Traineeships for Incomings within Erasmus+


Students and graduates from foreign universities can complete an Erasmus+ internship at PLUS. In doing so, you must make your own efforts to find an appropriate internship position at a PLUS institution. The PLUS International Relations Department does not arrange internship positions at PLUS institutions! Acceptance letters or other supporting documents need to be signed by the internship supervisor(s).

In order to be accepted as an Erasmus+ intern, it is necessary to receive the Erasmus+ mobility grant from your home university or from PLUS.

  • Prospective students from program countries (27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey): An application is made at your home university. Please make sure that you are aware of the requirements for this grant and contact your home university for more information.
  • Applicants from universities from partner countries (worldwide) with which the PLUS has concluded Erasmus cooperation agreements can obtain information for Erasmus+ funded incoming internships at the Department of International Relations and/or the home universities. An application for Erasmus+ funding is made to the PLUS Department of International Relations. The internship does NOT take place in the Department of International Relations!

Learning Agreement for Traineeships

The Learning Agreement for Traineeship has to be signed by you together with your home university and the respective subject coordinator at PLUS. It contains all the necessary data (duration of the internship, content, etc.) for your internship and is valid as soon as it has been signed by all three parties. The recognition rules of the home universities and paying institutions apply. The Traineeship Agreement can also be used to apply for any entry documents (visa/residence title) at the respective authorities.


During your internship, enrollment at PLUS is recommended. This is possible on the basis of your participation in the Erasmus+ program under facilitated conditions and for the limited period of time of the internship. With enrollment your access to the university is formalized and with the payment of the ÖH-fee (=Austrian Student Union) for (currently) 20,70 € / semester, you become a member of the ÖH. This membership grants you, among other things, liability and accident insurance for your stay at the university. You must take care of your own insurance coverage beyond your activities/studies at the university and sufficient health insurance. Details on membership can be found via the homepage or Details on the insurance policy can be found under Service. Further information can also be found under Health & Insurance

Admission as a trainee

The admission to student status at the university as an Erasmus trainee for the respective academic year/semester takes place in coordination with the Department of International Relations. As soon as you have received a confirmation of your internship from a department of the PLUS, you are welcome to contact the responsible staff member in our department. To ensure enrollment, the internship period should be coordinated with the semester dates at PLUS. You can find the academic calendar at PLUS on the page of the admissions department.

Documents required for admission (to be submitted to the AiB):

  • Fully signed Traineeship Agreement
  • Copy of a valid identity card / passport
  • Copy of your BA/MA/PhD diploma (if applicable)

We offer an orientation week for exchange/Erasmus students in the 2nd half of September or February. You are welcome to participate in this (and other events).

Note: PLUS does not sign bilateral agreements or letters of intent for Erasmus+ interns. Some Universities (particularly in France) require an additional internship Agreement (Convention de Stage) in addition to the learning agreement.   Such agreements are not issued. For the University of Salzburg, such an additional agreement is not required for students doing the traineeship through the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program, as all relevant data are listed in the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

Entry and residence regulations

The same entry and residence regulations apply to Erasmus+ interns as to other persons who wish to enter Austria or stay here for a longer period of time. Further information can be found under Entry and Residence Regulations.