Special Issues

At irregular intervals, the ZöR offers legal scholars the opportunity to edit special issues, which are intended to deal with current and cross-border legal issues or fundamental issues of public law.

  • Issue 4/2024: This issue contains the contributions of the symposium “Strukturtheorie des Verfassungsrechts, Verfassungsvergleichung und Rechtstheorie” (Structural theory of constitutional law, constitutional comparison and legal theory) organized by em. Univ.-Prof. Michael Thaler.
  • Issue 3/2023: Issue 3/2023 contains, amongst others, contributions concerning “Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America” organized by Prof. Johanna Fröhlich.
  • Issue 2/2023: This issue published the contributions to the 21st European-Law day organized by az. Prof. Dr. Günter Herzig, Mag. Roman Puff und az. Prof. Paul Weismann.
  • Issue 3/2022: In issue 3/2022 the results of the “Survey on the 70th anniversary of the German Federal Constitutional Court. The best and the worst decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court in its 70 years of case-law” were published.

  • Issue 4/2021: Issue 4/2021 contains, amongst others, the contributions to the colloquium on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Liechtenstein constitution organized by Prof. Dr. iur. Patricia Schiess, Dr. iur. Christina Neier and Dr. Hilmar Hoch, LL.M.

  • Issue 2/2021: This issue publishes the contributions to the conference “A Centenary of Constitutional Review: The Austrian Legacy to Constitutional Courts in Europe” organized by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Gamper, Dr. Giacomo Delledonne and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Bußjäger.

  • Issue 1/2021: The editors have invited the scientific community of Austrian public lawyers to answer the following question: ‘What do you consider to have been the best and worst decision of the Austrian Constitutional Court since its establishment in 1920?’  By publishing the replies of constitutional scholars to this question, the issue aims to highlight the role and the importance of the Constitutional Court from the perspective of its case-law, and to also further methodological reflection in Austrian constitutional law discourse.

  • Issue 3/2020: This issue publishes the contributions of the conference “Aktuelle Herausforderungen für die österreichische Verfassungsstaatlichkeit” (Current Challenges for the Austrian Constitutional State) organized by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Eberhard.

  • Issue 1/2020: Our first special issue is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Austrian Constitution and was published in March 2020.