International Relations
Research Focus
Research in the cluster of international politics is mainly concerned with the analysis of international economic relations. Faculty members have a special expertise in the politics of trade, regionalism, environmental politics, and international cooperation. Since 2009 this area of scholarship has been under the direction of Prof. Andreas Dür.
The following personnel of the Department of Political Science is doing research and teaches in the field of international politics:
- DÜR Andreas, MA PhD, Professor
- HUBER Robert, Dr., Professor
- ATTIA Hana, Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher
- GASTINGER Markus, MMag. Dr., MA, MRes (European University Institute), Postdoctoral Researcher
- YAVUZ Mehmet, Dr., Postdoctoral Researcher
- ANWAR Denis, BA MA, PhD Fellow
- CHOI, Young-Jun, BA MA, Phd Fellow
- HEE Stefan, MA, PhD Fellow
- ISGANDAROV, Ali, MA, PhD Fellow
Research Projects
Currently, the following externally financed research projects are carried out by members of the political science department in the field of international politics:
- Project Geotrade
- Project Tradepower
- Project Design of Trade Agreements
- Project Interest Group Influence in teh European Union
- Project Explaining Interest Group Influence
- Project Environmental Change and Migration
- Project Joint Bodies in Bilateral Agreements (JBinBA)
- Projecct The Institutionalization of Bilateral Cooperation, 1945–2020
- Project Security Externalities of Trade
Recent Publications
- Attia, Hana (2023). Divert when it does not hurt: The initiation of economic sanctions by US presidents from 1989 to 2015, in: Review of International Economics (Early View).
- Attia, Hana / Julia Grauvogel (2023a). International Sanctions Termination, 1990–2018: Introducing the IST Dataset, in: Journal of Peace Research, 60(4), 709-719.
- Attia, Hana / Julia Grauvogel (2023b). Monitoring the monitor? Selective responses to human rights transgressions, in: International Studies Quarterly, 67(2), sqad014.
- Dür, Andreas / Scott Hamilton / Dirk De Bièvre (2023). Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy”, in: Journal of European Public Policy.
- Dür, Andreas / Robert Huber / Yannick Stiller (2023). Trade Competitiveness, Constituency Interests, and Legislators’ Attitudes Towards Trade Agreements, in: Legislative Studies Quarterly (Early View).
- Dür, Andreas / Lisa Lechner (2023). Winners and losers from trade agreements: Stock market reactions to TPP and TTIP, in: Politics and Governance, 11(4).
- Dür, Andreas / Gemma Mateo (2023). Lobbying in the Face of Politicisation: Interest Group Strategies in Trade Policy, in: Journal of European Public Policy.
- Beiser-McGrath, Liam F. / Robert A. Huber / Thomas Bernauer / Vally Koubi (2022). Parliament, People or Technocrats? Explaining Mass Public Preferences on Delegation of Policy-making Authority, in: Comparative Political Studies, 55(4), 527-554. This article has been discussed in
- Bräuninger, Thomas / Thomas Däubler / Robert A. Huber / Lukas Rudolph (2022). How Open Lists Undermine the Electoral Support of Cohesive Parties, in: British Journal of Political Science (first published online).
- Dür, Andreas / Markus Gastinger (2022). Spinning a global web of EU external relations: How the EU establishes stronger joint bodies where they matter most, in: Journal of European Public Policy (first published online).
- Dür, Andreas / Robert A. Huber / Gemma Mateo / Gabriele Spilker (2022). Interest Group Preferences towards Trade Agreements: Institutional Design Matters, in: Interest Groups & Advocacy, 12(1), 48-72.
- Dür, Andreas / Christoph Mödlhamer (2022). Power and Innovative Capacity: Explaining Variation in Intellectual Property Rights Regulation across Trade Agreements, in: International Interactions, 48(1).
- Gastinger, Markus / Eugénia C. Heldt (2022). Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research, in: European Union Politics (first published online).
- Huber, Robert A. / Esther Greussing / Jakob-Moritz Eberl (2022). From populism to climate scepticism: the role of institutional trust and attitudes towards science, in: Environmental Politics (first published online).
- Huber, Robert A. / Michael Jankowski / Carsten Wegscheider (2022). Explaining populist attitudes: the impact of issue specific discontent and representation, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (accepted for publication).
- Juen, Christina-Marie / Michael Jankowski / Robert A. Huber / Torren Frank / Leena Maass / Markus Tepe (2022). Who wants COVID-19 Vaccination to be Compulsory? The Impact of Party Cues, Left-Right Ideology and Populism, in: Politics (OnlineFirst).
- Stiller, Yannick / Robert A. Huber / Andreas Dür (2022). Education and Trade Attitudes: Revisiting the Role of Economic Interest, in: World Trade Review (first published online).
- Eberl, Jakob-Moritz / Esther Greussing / Robert A. Huber (2021). From populism to the ‘plandemic’: why populists believe in COVID-19 conspiracies, in: Journal of Elections, PublicOpinion & Parties, 31(S1), 272-284. This article has been discussed in: Die Presse, Renascença, and Brodnigs Blog.
- Gastinger, Markus (2021). Introducing the EU exit index measuring each member state’s propensity to leave the European Union, in: European Union Politics, 22(3), 566-585.
- Gastinger, Markus / Andreas Dür (2021). Joint bodies in the European Union’s international agreements: Delegating powers to the European Commission in EU external relations, in: European Union Politics, 22(4), 611-630.
- Huber, Robert A. / Tomas Maltby / Kacper Szulecki / Stefan Ćetković (2021). Is populisma challenge to European climate policy? Unpacking the causal links and empirical examples, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 28(7), 998-1017.
- Huber, Robert A. / Michael L. Wicki (2021). What explains citizen support for transport policy? The roles of policy design, trust in government and proximity among Swiss citizens, in: Energy Research and Social Science, 75.
- Mohrenberg, Steffen / Robert A. Huber / Tina Freyburg (2021). Love at first sight? Populist attitudes and support for direct democracy, in: Party Politics, 27(3), 528-539. This article has been discussed in the following blogs: Democratic Audit, EUROPP,, EDP Wire, and DeFacto.Expert.
- Nguyen, Quynh / Robert A. Huber / Thomas Bernauer (2021). Environmental Impacts and Public Opinion About International Trade: Experimental Evidence from Six OECD Countries, in: Global Environmental Politics, 21(3), 49-76.
- Böhmelt, Tobias / Gabriele Spilker (2020). Selection Bias in Political Science and International Relations Applications, in: Luigi Curini / Robert J. Franzese Jr. (eds): The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, Thousand Oaks.
- Hauwaert, Steven Van / Robert A. Huber (2020). In-group solidarity or out-group hostility in response to terrorism in France? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design, in: European Journal of Political Research, 59(4), 936-953. This article has been summarised in LSE EUROPP and Struk Rood Vlees [dutch].
- Huber, Robert A. (2020a). Populism, Climate Scepticism and Support for Environmental Protection, in: Environmental Politics, 29(6), 959-982. I gave an interview discussing this article: Political Observer of Populism.
- Huber, Robert A. (2020b). The role of populist attitudes in explaining climate change skepticism and support for environmental protection, in: Environmental Politics, 1–24.
- Huber, Robert A. / Lukas P. Fesenfeld / Thomas Bernauer (2020). Political Populism, Responsiveness, and Public Support for Climate Mitigation, in: Climate Policy, 20(3), 373-386.
- Huber, Robert A. / Michael L. Wicki / Thomas Bernauer (2020). Public Support for En-vironmental Policy Depends on Beliefs Concerning Effectiveness, Intrusiveness, and Fairness, in: Environmental Politics, 29(4), 649-673. This article has been discussed in the following newspaper article: Handelszeitung.
- Van Hauwaert, Steven M./Robert A.Huber (2020). In‐group solidarity or out‐group hostility in response to terrorism in France? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design, in: European Journal of Political Research, 59(4), 936-953.
Wicki, Michael L. / Robert A. Huber / Thomas Bernauer (2020). Can policy-packaging increase public support for costly policies? Insights from a choice experiment on policies against vehicle emissions, in: Journal of Public Policy, 40(4), 599-625. This article has been discussed in the following blog: Journal of Public Policy Blog.
- Dür, Andreas (2019). How interest groups influence public opinion: Arguments matter more than the sources: How interest groups influence public opinion, in: European Journal of Political Research, 58(2), 514-535.
- Dür, Andreas / David Marshall / Patrick Bernhagen (2019). The political influence of business in the European Union, Ann Arbor.
- Elsig, Manfred / Michael Hahn / Gabriele Spilker (2019). Introduction: Current Challenges and Future Scenarios, in: Manfred Elsig / Michael Hahn / Gabriele Spilker (eds.): The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance, Cambridge, 1-16.
- Huber, Robert A. / Michael L. Wicki / Thomas Bernauer (2019). Public support for environmental policy depends on beliefs concerning effectiveness, intrusiveness, and fairness, in: Environmental Politics, 1-25.
- Kim, In Song / Helen Milner / Thomas Bernauer / Iain Osgood / Gabriele Spilker / Dustin Tingley (2018). Firms’ Preferences over Multidimensional Trade Policies: Global Production Chains, Investment Protection and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, in: International Studies Quarterly, 63(1), 153-167.
- Kim, Soo Yeon / Gabriele Spilker (2019). Global Value Chains and the Political Economy of WTO Disputes, in: Review of International Organization, 14 (2), 239-260.
- Nguyen, Quynh / Gabriele Spilker (2019). The Elephant in the Negotiation Room: PTAs through the Eyes of Citizens, in: Manfred Elsig / Michael Hahn / Gabriele Spilker (eds.): The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance, Cambridge, 17-47.
- Wicki, Michael / Robert Alexander Huber / Thomas Bernauer (2019). Can policy-packaging increase public support for costly policies? Insights from a choice experiment on policies against vehicle emissions, in: Journal of Public Policy, 40(4), 599-625.
- Koubi, Vally / Tobias Böhmelt / Gabriele Spilker / Lena Schaffer (2018). The Determinants of Environmental Migrants’ Conflict Perception, in: International Organization, 72(4), 905-936.
- Lechner, Lisa (2018). Good for some, bad for others: US investors and non-trade issues in preferential trade agreements, in: The Review of International Organizations, 13(2), 163-187.
- Morin, Jean-Frédéric / Andreas Dür / Lisa Lechner (2018). Mapping the Trade and Environment Nexus: Insights from a New Data Set, in: Global Environmental Politics, 18(1), 122–139.
- Raess, Damian / Andreas Dür / Dora Sari (2018). Protecting labor rights in preferential trade agreements: The role of trade unions, left governments, and skilled labor, in: The Review of International Organizations, 13(2), 143-162.
- Spilker, Gabriele / Thomas Bernauer / In Song Kim / Helen Milner / Iain Osgood / Dustin Tingley (2018). Trade at the margin: Estimating the economic implications of preferential trade agreements, in: The Review of International Organizations, 13(2), 189-242.
- Spilker, Gabriele / Thomas Bernauer / Víctor Umaña (2018). What Kinds of Trade Liberalization Agreements Do People in Developing Countries Want?, in: International Interactions, 44(3), 510–536.
Complete lists of publications of the staff members in international politics may be found on their personal websites.