Politics of the European Union
Research focus
Research in this area is organized as part of the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS). It covers such topics as the EU’s institutional development, interest group politics in the EU, the EU’s security policy, and the EU’s external relations. Since 2021 this area of scholarship has been under the direction of Professor Ariadna Ripoll Servent.
The following personnel of the Department of Political Science is doing research and teaches in the field of politics of the European Union:
- BLAUBERGER Michael, Dr., Professor
- RIPOLL SERVENT Ariadna, Dr., Professor
- BACHLEITNER Kathrin, Dr., Senior Scientist
- GASTINGER Markus, Dr., Post-doctoral Researcher
- KINSKI Lucy, Dr., Post-doctoral Researcher
- WYDRA Doris, MMag. Dr., Senior Scientist
Research projects
Faculty members of the department of political science participate in research projects which are carried out at the interdisciplinary Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS). Currently, the following externally financed research projects are carried out at SCEUS:
- Project The Choice for Europe since Maastricht
- Project Transnationalization and the judicialization of welfare
- Projekt Rebalancing the Enlarged Single Market
- Project Challenges of European Integration (doc.funds doctoral college)
- Project Comparative Fiscal Federalism
Recent Publications
- Angenendt, Michael / Lucy Kinski (2023). Germany: Political Developments and Data in 2022: The German Zeitenwende, in: European Journal of Political Research: Data Yearbook. https://doi.org/10.1111/2047-8852.12406.
- Blauberger, Michael / Christina Grabbe / Ariadna Ripoll Servent (2023). EU free movement of people: fully recovered or suffering from long COVID?, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 30(4), 696-720. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2022.2140818.
- Blauberger, Michael / Susanne K. Schmidt (2023). Negative Integration Is What States Make of It? Tackling Labour Exploitation in the German Meat Sector, in: Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(4), 917–934. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13431.
- Kinski, Lucy (2023). Representation in Polycrisis: Towards a New Research Agenda for EU Citizens, in: Mechtild Roos / Daniel Schade (Hg): The EU under Strain? Current Crises Shaping European Union Politics, Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter.
- Miklin, Eric / Lucy Kinski (2023). Taming Populist Anti-Pluralism? The Effect of Changing Centre-right Strategies on the Austrian Freedom Party, in: Ben Crum / Alvaro Oleart (Hg.): Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience: A Cross-National Analysis of Populist Parties’ Impact on Democratic Pluralism in Europe, London / New York: Routledge, 138-158.
- Kinski, Lucy / Kerry Whiteside (2023). Of Parliament and Presentism: Electoral Representation and Future Generations in Germany, in: Environmental Politics, 32(1), 21-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/09644016.2022.2031441.
- Schmidt, Susanne K. / Michael Blauberger (2023). German capitalism and migrant work in meat: How COVID allowed to break the path-dependent labour exploitation, in: Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 8(1), 50-73. https://doi.org/10.5771/2566-7742-2023-1-50.
- Walter, Stefanie / Lucy Kinski / Zsófia Boda (2023). Who Talks to Whom? Using Social Network Models to Understand Debate Networks in the European Parliament, in: European Union Politics, 24(2), 410-423. https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165221137994.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin (2022a). Collective identities amid war and displacement: Syrians and Syrian refugees re-imagine their country, in: Nations and Nationalism, 28(1), 177–193. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12788.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin (2022b). Legacies of war: Syrian narratives of conflict and visions of peace, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 57(1), 43–64. https://doi.org/10.1177/00108367211032691.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin / Toby Matthiesen (2022). Introduction to themed section on ‘Belonging to Syria. National identifications before and after 2011’, in: Nations and Nationalism, 28(1), 117–124. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12784.
- Brause, Simon D. / Lucy Kinski (2022). Mainstream Party Agenda-Responsiveness and the Electoral Success of Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe, in: Journal of European Public Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2022.2155214.
- Dür, Andreas / Markus Gastinger (2022). Spinning a global web of EU external relations: How the EU establishes stronger joint bodies where they matter most, in: Journal of European Public Policy (first published online). https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2022.2079708.
- Gastinger, Markus / Eugénia C. Heldt (2022). Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research, in: European Union Politics (first published online). https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165221098487.
- Kinski, Lucy / Ariadna Ripoll Servent (2022). Framing Climate Policy Ambition in the European Parliament. Special Issue on “Exploring Climate Policy Ambition”, in: Politics and Governance, 10(3), 251–263. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v10i3.5479.
- Kinski, Lucy / Kerry Whiteside (2022). Of Parliament and Presentism: Electoral Representation and Future Generations in Germany, in: Environmental Politics (online first), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/09644016.2022.2031441.
- Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg / Michael Blauberger (2022). The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Mega-Politics of Posted Workers, in: Law and Contemporary Problems, 84(4), 29-57.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin (2021a). Collective Memory in International Relations, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin (2021b). Ontological security as temporal security? The role of ‘significant historical others’ in world politics, in: International Relations (online first). https://doi.org/10.1177/00471178211045624 .
- Blauberger, Michael / Anita Heindlmaier / Paul Hofmarcher / Josephine Assmus / Birgit Mitter (2021). The differentiated politicization of free movement of people in the EU: A topic model analysis of press coverage in Austria, Germany, Poland and the UK, in: Journal of European Public Policy (early view online). https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2021.1986118.
- Blauberger, Michael / Vera van Hüllen (2021). Conditionality of EU funds: an instrument to enforce EU fundamental values?, in: Journal of European Integration, 43(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/07036337.2019.1708337.
- Gastinger, Markus (2021). Introducing the EU exit index measuring each member state’s propensity to leave the European Union, in: European Union Politics, 22(3), 566-585. https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165211000138.
- Gastinger, Markus / Andreas Dür (2021). Joint bodies in the European Union’s international agreements: Delegating powers to the European Commission in EU external relations, in: European Union Politics, 22(4), 611-630. https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165211027397.
- Kinski, Lucy (2021). What Role for National Parliaments in EU Governance? A View by Members of Parliament, in: Journal of European Integration, 43(6), 717-738. https://doi.org/10.1080/07036337.2020.1817000.
- Kinski, Lucy (2021). European Representation in EU National Parliaments, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Blauberger, Michael / Anita Heindlmaier / Carina Kobler (2020). Free movement of workers under challenge: the indexation of family benefits, in: Comparative European Politics, 18(6), 925-943. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-020-00216-3.
- Blauberger, Michael / Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (2020). The Court of Justice in times of politicisation: ‘law as a mask and shield’ revisited, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 27(3): 382-399. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2020.1712460.
- Kinski, Lucy / Ben Crum (2020). Transnational Representation in EU National Parliaments: Concept, Case Study, Research Agenda, in: Political Studies, 68(2), 370-388. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0032321719848565.
- Bachleitner, Kathrin (2019). Diplomacy with Memory: How the Past Is Employed for Future Foreign Policy, in: Foreign Policy Analysis, 15(4), 492–508. https://doi.org/10.1093/fpa/ory013.
- Martinsen, Dorte / Michael Blauberger / Anita Heindlmaier / Jessica Sampson Thierry (2019). Implementing European case law at the bureaucratic frontline: How domestic signalling influences the outcomes of EU law, in: Public Administration, 97(4), 814-828. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12603.
- Blauberger, Michael / Anita Heindlmaier / Dion Kramer / Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen / Jessica Sampson Thierry / Jessica Sampson Thierry / Angelika Schenk / Benjamin Werner (2018). ECJ Judges read the morning papers. Explaining the turnaround of European citizenship jurisprudence, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 25(10), 1422-1441. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2018.1488880.
- Rittberger, Berthold / Michael Blauberger (2018). Introducing the debate section: ‘The EU in crisis: EU studies in crisis?’, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 25(3), 436-439. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2017.1411384.
- Schmidt, Susanne K. / Michael Blauberger / Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (2018). Free movement and equal treatment in an unequal union, in: Journal of European Public Policy, 25(10), 1391-1402. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2018.1488887.
Complete lists of publications of the staff members in politics of the European Union may be found on their personal websites.