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Course Duration / ECTS | 4 semesters / 120 ECTS |
University degree | Master of Arts (MA or MSc) |
Admission Requirements and Curriculum | · In order to be admitted to the MA or MSc degree course in Digital Communication Leadership, students must hold a degree in a related field from an accredited inland or international institution of higher education. · Curriculum |
Language of instruction English | Proof of language proficiency |
Dates and Deadlines | · The dates and deadlines change every semester. · The current deadlines and dates can be found here. |
Information | Master in Digital Communication Leadership (DCLead) |
What will I learn?
The "Digital Communication Leadership (DCLead)" is carried out as an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme coordinated by the University of Salzburg, Department of Communication Studies together with the Aalborg University of Copenhagen (AAU), Denmark and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium and Wageningen University (WU), the Netherlands. The "Digital Communication Leadership (DCLead)" programme approaches the vast and recent field of digital communication from an interdisciplinary and international point of view bringing together advanced academic discussion with practical knowledge and skills. The programme shall promote a non-techno-deterministic, social and ethical reflection on digital communication for future leaders of the field.
What makes Salzburg so special as a place to study?
This unique programme is offered only at the University of Salzburg, in collaboration with the two Universities in Aalburg (Copenhagen) and Brussels. The European Commission offers competitive scholarships for this programme. Applications are accepted in the second half of each calender year (see programme website). Stundents spend the first of four semesters in Salzburg, semesters two and three either in Denmark or in Belgium, and in the forth semesters they have the choice of their place to study, including a large number of partner universities and industry partners around the globe (among others UCLA (U.S.), Fudan University (China), QUT (Australia), University of Accra (Ghana))
Which career opportunities do I have?
Graduates work in different fields: in existing ICT and media companies, as entrepreneurs in new media and web companies, in IT support functions in business companies and public institutions, in media companies working at the European or international level whose work is influenced by European decision-making, as scientists or researchers, as public servants and administrators within Ministries and regulatory authorities in the policy field of media and communication, as consultants regarding various aspects of new media and digital innovation, as lobbyists in lobby organisations, in European institutions or as journalists.
Photographs: © Luigi Caputo (1-3) I © Sergio Sparviero (4)