
Special Collections of UBS

The Special Collections hold the oldest and most valuable book treasury of the University of Salzburg: 1068 manuscripts from the late 8th to the 20th century, 1428 cradle prints, 2471 early prints (1501 to 1536) and more than 20,000 signatures, which can be found in the Rara Collection, are among the historically most important cultural assets of Salzburg. In addition, there is another rather unusual document stock for university libraries: a collection of 585 signatures of hand drawings and 1584 signatures of prints with a total of more than 5400 sheets.

Holdings from the Special Collections may only be consulted in the reading room of the Special Collections!

Pre-registration required by phone: +43 662 8044 77590 or +43 662 8044 77591

Head of Special Collections:
Mag.a Beatrix Koll
Tel.: +43 662 8044 77590

Mag.a Nadine Pirringer

Tel.: +43 662 8044 77591