
NS Provenance Research

A research project of the Salzburg University Library

The University Library of Salzburg has been conducting NS provenance research since 2009.

    1. To investigate what role the Studienbibliothek, predecessor of the Salzburg University Library, and its director Ernst Frisch played in the hunt for books during the period from 1938 to 1945. Was the library a beneficiary or even a participant in the Nazi art and book theft that also took place in Salzburg?
    2. Identification and restitution of looted books that came into the library during and after the Nazi era.

More than 240,000 books have been painstakingly searched for traces of ownership. If there is a suspicion of Nazi looted property, the origin of these copies and the fate of their owners are investigated as far as possible.

Restitution is intended to set clear signs of reparation.


Contact: Michaela Essler
Tel: +43 662 8044 77600