European Union Studies

COORDINATIONSalzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS)
CONTACTMag. Roman Puff
COURSES & REGISTRATION Winter Semester 2024 / Summer Semester 2025 (PLUSonline)
DETAILSBulletin from September 15, 2020, Number 270


There are hardly any policy areas or legal questions that are not influenced by European decisions. Climate policy, labor mobility, migration issues, monetary policy, and free trade are just a few of the areas where the European Union is a central actor. As such, a fundamental understanding of the functioning of European institutions and European legal foundations becomes a prerequisite for numerous professional fields. The field of European Union Studies also offers the opportunity to look beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines and examine specific questions of European integration from the perspectives of political science, law, and economics.

Target Group

The supplementary study programme “European Union Studies (EUS)” is primarily aimed at Bachelor’s students in the fields of Political Science, Law & Economics, and the Diploma program in Law. It offers them the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of the European Union and to learn an interdisciplinary approach. However, it is also open to students from other disciplines who are interested in the core disciplines of European Union Studies and the European Union itself.

Structure & Requirements

Basic Module (12 ECTS)

Für das Basismodul sind Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß von 12 ECTS-Punkten zu absolvieren. Folgende Lehrveranstaltungen stehen zur Auswahl*:

    • VO Introduction to Economics
    • UV Mathematical Foundations
    • VO Introduction to Political Science STEOP
    • VO Politics – Viewed Scientifically
    • VO Introduction to EU Politics I
    • VO Introduction to International Relations I
    • PS Fundamentals of European Union Studies
    • European Union Law (Subject Examination)1)
    • VO The evolution of the EU from a legal, political and economic perspective

*) Courses from your own field of study may only be chosen if they are not part of the mandatory or elective subjects. Examples of possible module designs for different fields of study can be found here.
1) The subject examination “European Union Law” consists of the courses “European Law I” and “European Law II” and concludes with the subject examination in European Union Law.

Advanced Module (12 ECTS)

Für das Aufbaumodul sind Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß von 12 ECTS-Punkten zu absolvieren. Folgende Lehrveranstaltungen stehen zur Auswahl*:

    • GK Macroeconomics 2)
    • GK Microeconomics 2)
    • PS Introduction to EU Politics II 3)
    • PS Introduction to International Relations II 4)
    • PS Techniques of Political Science Work 5)
    • KU Case Studies in European Law
    • UV International Dimensions of Law
    • Courses from the Basic Module, if not yet completed

*) Courses from your own field of study may only be chosen if they are not part of the mandatory or elective subjects. Examples of possible module designs for different fields of study can be found here.
2) Prerequisite: VO Economics (see Basic Module)
3) Prerequisite: VO Introduction to EU Politics I (see Basic Module)
4) Prerequisite: VO Introduction to International Relations I (see Basic Module)
5) Prerequisite: VO Introduction to Political Science STEOP (see Basic Module)

Course Registration

Registration for individual courses is done via PLUSonline.

Note: For courses you take as part of the supplementary study programme, select “Free Registration” in PLUSonline (if the option is available) during course registration:

free registration


After successfully completing the courses listed above, the following certificates can be requested:

    • Basic Module European Union Studies: This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic Module totaling 12 ECTS points.
    • Supplementary Study Programme European Union Studies: This will be issued after successful completion of both the Basic and Advanced Modules, totaling 24 ECTS points.
    • Specialisation Programme in European Union Studies: This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic, Advanced, and Specialisation Modules, totaling 36 ECTS points.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to include supplementary study programmes and specialisation programme in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diploma examination certificate (naming of free electives). Regulations can be found in your curriculum, or you may need to reach an agreement with the chair of your curriculum committee beforehand.

Requesting a Certificate

Once you have completed the required courses, submit the completed exam pass and the corresponding certificates to the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (). After verifying the documents, the certificate will be issued by the ZFL – Flexible Learning on behalf of the Vice-Rectorate for Education and Student Experience and will be sent digitally to your university email address.

Issuing the certificate is no longer possible after graduation. Therefore, please make sure to apply for the certificate at least a few weeks before graduation.

If it is not possible to print the transcripts from PLUSonline, only submit the completed exam pass.

Download Exam Pass

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Mag. Roman Puff
Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies

Mönchsberg 2, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 – 3639